Chapter Four

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April 1864

I have been a wolf, vampire hybrid for almost 40 years and now America is at war with itself.

We are currently in what is now called the Confederate States of America and we are trying to find animals to feed off of.

It's hard considering this awful war has scared them.

We find 2 deer knowing this is all we are going to eat for the next 5 days we split it 2 per 1 deer.

We are finished and now making camp.

I'm looking thought the bags of journals that Kat gave me and for being read so many times and being over 200 years old they are in surprisingly good shape.

I see a seam that looks to have been released stitched so I carefully rip it with my nail.

It's another journal.

I open it to the first page, it the missing page from Kat's journal.

Dear Eilijah,

I know your reading this and found the seam but what you are about to read is heart breaking so please have my son or someone present.
You have a twin brother you was turned around the same time as you. I know this because your mother gave him to a family who desperately wanted a son, that family and I have kept writing letters back and forth.
When you told me you turned 4 days after your birthday, I remembered that they had said something similar about your brother.
His name is Nicholas Cullen. They kept with the last name knowing that he would want to find you and your father soon or later.
I think he had powers like you but which ones I have no clue but I hope this helps you find him wherever he and you are.

Kathleen Noah Ryanair

I couldn't help it I started crying.

I've been looking for my father for so long when I should have been looking for my brother also.

3 days later

We are walking along an old ranch when I see 3 people talking.

I feel this weird pull towards them so I start walking towards them.

"I need to get closer" I spoke in a hushed tone.

Jay and the twins just nodded and followed.

I saw 2 boys and 1 girl. One boy looked like the male version of me. The other boy had blonde hair. The girl had red hair.

I could hear their conversation.

"You know I hate to leave Jasper, but I have to find her" The guy with brown hair said the the blonde, Jasper.

"I know but... " He stopped mid sentence.

As if he almost sensed us.

"What is it Jasper" The girl asked.

"Whoever's here should come out now" Jasper spoke.

I looked at Jay and gave him a look to stay here with his siblings.

He nodded as I ran over to where the 3 people where.

"Who are you" Jasper asked.

"My name is Noah" I said.

I could feel that he had an ability. I also knew that I now had it.

As if he sensed that, my name was not always my name he said, "Your full name and not Noah."

His Daughter, Her Sister, His Imprint ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora