Chapter Eleven

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Hours later
Noah POV

It took me hours to wake up.

"Ow" Was the first thing I said.

"Ow, that's the first thing you say" Nick said.

"Mhmm, how is everyone" I ask weakly.

"Good we tried to wake you for weeks" Nick said.

"I know, I heard everything I was screaming and crying trying to tell you how to help me, bit no matter what I said or how I said no one heard me" I said sitting up slowly.

He nodded, "Sam wanted to talk to you."

I nodded, "Is about why we needed him?"

"Yeah I wouldn't say anything with out you, so I guess he needs to speak to us both" He said.

"I haven't shifted in I don't know how long" I said.

"Yeah I know, well I'll let you change this is your room when we're here" He said getting up and leaving.

I went to my clothes and picked and outfit then went to the bathroom.

When they water was right, I got in.

The water helped relax my muscles.

After my shower I got dressed. (Outfit up top)

I went down stairs and went into the kitchen, Esme was in the kitchen cooking.

"Oh, yes I need food" I exclaimed.

"Hahaha. Of course you are" She said shaking her head. "He's out back on the porch with Nick and everyone."

I nodded, "Hey mom let me know when it done."

She nodded and I continued to go outside.

"Hello, what you need Sam" I asked after I closed the door.

"Yeah, why did you need me" He asked.

"Cause I'm half shifter" I said shaking my head.

"How" He asked curious and confused.

"You. Well your pack. Years ago" I said

"How long ago and can I see you shift" He asked trying to figure me out.

"200 some years. You gotta remember I'm almost 351 years old. Edward is Bella here" I said.

"No, Noah she's not here she left hours ago" He told me.

"Then Sam sure, just gotta give me a minute cause I haven't shifter in years" I said to which Sam nodded.

"How about you all eat, especially you Noah" She said.

"Yes mom I'll come eat I'm starving, I haven't eaten in weeks" I said joking a bit.

"Sister dear you have a sick sense of humor" Nick said shaking his head.

"Come on I'm hungry and I could really go for dear too" I said thinking that.

"I have blood bags if you want Ellie" My father says, I smile at the name.

"No, I hate human blood, it's like dairy or bread, makes me sick. I won't drink human blood ever again. That's also why I looked pained when Bella got hurt in the ballet studio, to much of her blood made me want to throw up. Guess that's where the wolfy part comes in" I said.

"Okay, we'll go hunting after the food Esme made" Nick said.

I nodded and went into house to get food.

After we ate, Nick and I went to hunt.

When we returned mine and Nick's eyes where our vampire eyes.

We where talking and laughing like before when we needed to get way.

"Okay you ready" Nick asked.

"Yeah I needed that to get back in touch with the woods again, it's been awhile since I last hunted" I said. "You ready?"

"Yeah, let's do this" Nick said and I nodded.

When we got back Sam was waiting for us outside, guess he wanted to get away from the vampires.

"You two ready" He asked.

We nodded and collected our thought, then thought about what our world looked like.

After a bit we shifted. I tackled my brother to the ground.

After a few minutes of winning against my brother, we stopped.

I broadcasted out conversion so they can hear us.

'I win again' I thought.

'You always win though' my brother thought back in an annoyed tone.

"Alright you two, stop" Dad said.

"Can you tell me how you can be half shifter and who turned you" He asked.

'Well when I was turned I had the power to heal myself and the vampire who turned me thought I was dead but a few minutes later I woke only half vampire cause the venom wasn't being accepted by my body, it was being rejected, but after about 2 and half weeks my body accepted it but it was unable to reach my heart so I wasn't a full vampire' I thought to them.

"And shifter" Carlisle asked.

'Someone from the Black family line changed us when we stepped on you land. He bit so close to my heart that I could heal before my human part was turned shifter. I got used to my wolf. I guess shifting is live riding a bicycle'

"And the witch, why did she do what she did" Sam asked.

'I stopped her from killing an entire village that was full of shifters and vampires living in peace, she believed it was unnatural and that I was unnatural'

"Where" Dad asked.

'Home. I went home to see mom's grave and Kathleen's grave, I found the village and the witch, I killed her so nothing would happen but I also received a cruse and a spell before then. The curse that I would never find my mate and that I would be alone for the rest of my life. The spell was to make me sleep for eternity to ensure I will always be alone and never find my mate. She made the mistake of thinking of how to counteract it while fighting. I guess she didn't know Bella existed yet'

"Will you? Find you imprint" Sam asked.

'I might depending on how strong the bond is and how bad we need each other'

They nodded, I ran though the house to my room and changed back then got dressed again in the same outfit.

I locked my door and cried because I might never find my mate, my imprint.

I may never find him and he might be miserable, I hope he loves someone else.


I'm crying while posting this cause of a book that the way that the character died and how the people who loved him felt, I know people who felt and I felt that though yes they are alive and not dead, I was worried they wouldn't come back but they...

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I'm crying while posting this cause of a book that the way that the character died and how the people who loved him felt, I know people who felt and I felt that though yes they are alive and not dead, I was worried they wouldn't come back but they did and I have no clue why I said this.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the book so far. There are roughly 5-6 chapters left after today's post.

His Daughter, Her Sister, His Imprint ✔️Where stories live. Discover now