Chapter Ten

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Noah/Eilijah POV

"Get Bella out of here. Go" My father told Edward.

"We'll follow" I said.

They ran to the car and we followed all around them.

They arrived at Charlie's.

They pretended to argue and Bella said she needed to leave now.

We again followed back to Cullens.

They talked.

"I'll go with Bella. Jasper and I will drive her South" Alice said.

"I'm coming with" I said. "I need to talk to Bella."

They continued to talk for a bit.

Then Alice and Jasper got in to the car and we drove off.

While we were driving I started to talk to Bella.

"So how do you know the Cullens" she askes.

"I'm a vampire too but I don't like human blood at all I won't drink ever. Your blood to them is like candy but to me and Nick it's gross and unhealthy. Eli and Isa are half vampire like me and Nick but they are half human to as of where me and Nick are half shifter. Jas, Jay and Lilah are full vampires" I told her.

"How do you all know each other" She asked me.

"I was turned in 1673, I've seen many things, met many people. When I met Alice I got her power. A few days later I saw you and some of your future" I told her. "No I'm not telling you."

We checked into a hotel and went to the room.

Alice gasped, she saw something.

"The tracker he changed course, mirrors a room full of mirrors" She said.

We ended up checking up and getting ready to leave.

I stayed with Bella.

She was on the phone, Bella didn't know I was there.

She got in a taxi and I followed her to a ballet studio.

She went in and so did I just waited a few minutes.

I ran in to see James, break her foot the Edward came in and I went to Bella.

Edward picked Bella up to leave and I went to stop James but he threw me and grabbed Edward.

He pulled him down and Bella got glass in her leg then he bit her.

I again ran to her to see if I could help but I couldn't because of how much blood there is.

Then everyone came in.

Alice went to help the boys, then Edward sucked the venom out of Bella.

He was draining her blood.

After it was over they took her to a hospital and I went back to Forks.

When I got back and every one was in the living room, "We can go for a bit."

We went to the Cullens and we went to and I wrote a not for them for when they got back.

August 2006
Nick POV

We ran into a very unfriendly witch and she cursed Noah and put her under a spell c that could only be broke by a blood family member and it cannot be me cause it was somrthing that the said while she cursed my sister.

So now we are on our way back to Forks to save my twin.

I need her more than she knows.

We ran into the house with out even paying attention to how was home.

His Daughter, Her Sister, His Imprint ✔️Where stories live. Discover now