Chapter Nine

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March 2005
Eilijah/Noah POV

We start school today.

Middle of the semester.

I got up and went to the bathroom and took a shower the got dressed in some black jeans, red flowy shirt, tan cardigan and boots. (Outfit up top)

I'm walking next to Bella when someone comes up to her and talking to her.

She refused to be on the newspaper and he understood.

We went and got our schedules we biology and PE together.

PE class

Bella hit the ball and it hit some guy in the back of the head.

He seems to have developed a crush.

A girl, Jessica I think that's what ber name was, walks over to them, she seems to have a crush on the guy.

I hate interacting with high schoolers.

She seemed awakard and wanting to get out of the conversation, so I yelled for her, "Bella!!"

She walked away and towards me.

"Thank you for getting me out of there" She said.

I shrugged, "I need to help my cousins out right."

She laughed then went back.

After PE was over we went to one other class that was away from each other.

Nothing  intresting happened in my history class.

It's now lunch and I see my brother at a table and Bella at another.

I first eating very quickly considering that I only took an apple and walked over to them after the chair was pulled out from underneath the guy from earlier.

"Oh my god, it like first grade all over again and your the shiny new toy" I heard.

Some other girl walked over to take Bella's picture.

Something happened and the guy from this morning got up and walked away.

They  talked more, then the Cullens walked in and I started walking towards where they were.

When I heard what Jessica was saying.

"How is that new girl walking towards them" She asked

"That's my cousin she met them in Alaska a few years ago Rosalie is like her best friend" Bella said.

Biology class

I knew what was going to happen but I sat away from Edward so Bella would have to sit there.

We went though biology and every time I looked over at them, Edward looked like he was in pain, I mean he kinda was but still.

After class Edward immediately ran out, I walked with Bella and she was telling me stuff.

We got to the office to see Edward.

The secretary saw us and said, "I'll be right with you dears."

I could tell it was about biology with out even having to listen, I could tell Bella was interested in him.

He walked out and grabbed my arm.

"I'll be back" I told Bella following Edward.

After school

Bella was talkig to her mom and I was on the other side of the room readig  cause I finished my homework.

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