Chapter Eight

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March 2005
Noah/Eilijah POV

Everything is packed and ready for us to move to Forks.

I'm ready to see my father again and tell him who I am.

I can't wait to see him, I miss him, this started with me going to look for him now I have a family that isn't only my blood.

Charlie is going to pick us up from the  airport.

Jay, Jas, Nick and I will run to the Cullen's house, Bella will cover for us and tell her father the excuse, which isn't entirely wrong.

"Are you sure your okay with going to see you father" Renee asked Bella again for the thousandth time today.

"Yes mom I'm sure" Bella told her mother.

I have gotten close with Bella and Renee this past year and she's like another mom for me while Bella is like my sister.

We drove off and got to the airport, Renee and Phil waved us good-bye while we waked toward our flight deck.

After the flight

We got off the flight and Jas, Jay, Nick and I immediately went out after collecting our bags and taking one with us that had something for Carlisle.

It was medical stuff from other countries that work great especially for vampires.

We went to he woods behind he airport and ran as fast as we could to the Cullen's house.

After running for a bit we arrived at the house.

I run to the door, "I win."

I danced around then knocked on the door.

I heard footsteps coming toward the door.

I opened revealing a woman with a kind smile, she spoke like a mother, with the living tone, "How can I help you?"

She must be Esme, I realize.

"Excuse me is this where the Cullens live, you see I was looking for my friend, Rosalie, I met her in Tennessee in 1935 where I believe she found a man who was mauled by a bear. And my family didn't want me to be alone" I told her, none of what I just said was wrong so I wasn't laying to my stepmother.

"Of course come in" She said welcoming us, stepping aside she let us walk in.

"So did you know Rosalie before Tenennsee" She asked.

"Yeah I met her in April of 1933" I said.

"Okay" She replied simply.

I know I could read her mind if I wanted to but I didn't want to she was motherly and I wanted to respect her privacy, but the look on Nick's face he was to.

We walked up some stairs and into a living room. I cringe cause I know what happens in this room so I calm myself, I know my brother knows what I'm thinking cause we have this weird twin connection.

"Do you know anyone else here" She asked.

I nodded, "Yeah actually I meet Jasper, Edward, and Alice. I seen Emmett but never actually met him."

She nodded letting us walk into the room and seeing everyone.

Rosalie sees me first, "Noah, it's been some time." She came over and hugged me.

She looked back at everyone and Jay was still mad that I won.

"What's with him" She asked looking at Jay.

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