ch 25 : the yule ball

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On the day of the Yule Ball, you were excitedly getting ready with Susan, Megan, and Hannah. Susan and Megan were going with some Hufflepuff boys who were a year older than them, and they were swooning over how sweetly the two boys had asked them.

Hannah was positively radiant, bouncing around the room as if on a pogo stick, making her curls fly around her head wildly. Megan scowled, "Stop that, Hannah! Your curls will come undone!" Megan couldn't hold back her giggles long enough to make this comment without a smile.

As for you, your cheeks hurt from how much you were smiling. You couldn't believe this day was truly happening. You changed into your dress. It was long and a beautiful red color that complimented your auburn hair. It had thin straps over your shoulders, and the fabric was silky and soft, hugging your body perfectly. You had used some of the money your parents had left you and Harry, and you had purchased George a tie to match your dress, but you refused to let him see it until the night of the ball.

You used your wand to put some gentle curls into your hair and applied your makeup. You carefully put on some red lipstick to match your dress, feeling slightly uncomfortable wearing such a bold color. Susan came over and squealed, "Y/N, you look absolutely amazing!"

This comment helped you feel more at ease, so you grinned back at your friend. You sprayed yourself with your perfume, and then it was time to go meet the boys in the common room.

When you stepped into the room, George's jaw dropped. Neville looked at George and then back at you with wide eyes. When Hannah stepped into the room though, Neville's attention was completely stolen by Hannah's gold dress that gave her a glowing appearance. You smiled at Hannah's moment before approaching George and shyly wondering, "Do I look alright?"

George took your hand and reassured you, "You look more than alright. You are absolutely stunning."

Your heart beat wildly inside your chest as you beamed up at him. You intertwined your fingers with his and breathed, "Well, you look incredibly dashing." You placed your free hand on his vest underneath his jacket while you admired his outfit. You knew it was a hand-me-down from his parents, but you thought his outfit only made him more breath-taking.

George beamed at your compliment before whispering, "Come on, love. Our night awaits us."

You made your way to the Ball, finding your friends once you got there. You slowly turned as you took in how the Great Hall had been transformed for this moment. There were large Christmas trees at the front of the room, and everything was shiny and white or silver. It was magnificent and magical, fitting for a ball at Hogwarts, you thought.

When you finally tore your eyes from the beautiful scene before you, you saw Harry and Ron with Pavarti and Padma Patil. You noticed that none of the four seemed like they were having a good time. You frowned at this for a moment until George tugged on your hand and led you further into the ball.

You and George moved to find Fred and Angelina. While Fred gawked over your dress out of your line of vision, you gushed to Angelina, "Your dress is beautiful! I love that deep shade of purple on you! It's simply lovely."

Angelina smiled at you and replied, "Oh, please. You're easily the best dressed at the ball tonight. Your dress is magnificent."

You bit your cheek and chuckled when George nodded vigorously at Angelina's comment. You beamed, "Thank you, Angelina."

Just then, Hermione began walking down the staircase, and she looked beautiful in a pink dress with ruffles. When she hooked her arm with Krum at the bottom, you grinned in delight for your friend. Hermione seemed incredibly happy.

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