ch 46 : get your filthy hands off of her

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You and Susan rushed to the Room of Requirement, slipping inside for the newest meeting for Dumbledore's Army. Today, Harry was going to teach you all how to cast a Patronus spell, for which you were very excited. You had always wanted to know what your Patronus would be, and you couldn't wait to try it.

Once you entered the quiet room, Susan tugged you off to the side and whispered, "Why does your brother look so tense today?"

Your eyes settled on your brother's stiff back as he watched everyone enter the room. You leaned over and whispered back, "I'm sure he's just stressed since every meeting is a risk."

Susan nodded. As the twins made their way into the room, Susan teased, "George is here. It was nice knowing you."

"Oh, are you upset by how much time we spend together?" You wondered with wide eyes and a grimace casted towards your friend.

Susan chuckled and waved you off as she said, "No, no. I was joking. This is his last year here; I get it. Besides, I have Lee to talk to."

You winked at your friend before you leaned in to whisper, "Let me know if you need some help with that. I happen to know some quite...creative wizards."

She shook her head with a blush and panicked, "Wait, I didn't mean it like-"

"Why are we whispering?" Fred wondered as he creeped up behind the two of you.

You jumped and looked back at the smirking redhead. You quipped, "None of your business, Weasley."

"Ouch, Potter. I'm on a last name basis with you now?" Fred taunted as he ruffled your auburn hair.

You swatted his hands away and hummed, "Mm-hm." You bit your cheek in an attempt to hide your huge smile as you stared at him with narrowed, playful eyes.

George walked up to the group of you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders as he laughed, "Fred, quit flirting with my girlfriend. As she said before, I'm the better twin." You hummed affirmatively, still trying to contain the smile threatening to break out on your face.

Before Fred could fire a response back, Harry spoke out over the room. He called out, "Alright! It's time to begin. Today, we learn about the Patronus spell. I will show you how to do it, and then each of you will try to mimic my actions after, alright?"

Everyone nodded as a silence fell over the group. You all watched Harry as he chanted, "Expecto Patronum!"

A blue figure began to dance out from his wand, and you brightly smiled when you saw the blue stag jump around the room. You had seen him do this before in your third year when you, Hermione, and Harry used the time turner to change the events of the day you met Sirius. It had been one of the most eventful and frankly confusing days that you had experienced yet, but you were still fascinated by the serene beauty of the Patronus spell.

Harry turned to you and grinned as he commanded everyone to try it on their own at that point. He commanded, "You must think of your happiest memory, and then try the spell."

You grinned back at your brother before you stepped away from George a few paces. You took a deep breath and fluttered your eyes closed as you tried to think of your happiest memory. You thought of the day you were brought to Hogwarts and found out you had a brother. You thought about your first kiss with George, and how it felt to reunite with him this past summer. You thought of your most recent Christmas at the order where you finally felt like you had a family. You opened your eyes, drawing on all of these amazing moments in your life and called, "Expecto Patronum!"

A hazy blue doe appeared in the air above you, galloping around the room happily. You smiled widely, not noticing the stares of your fellow classmates as they realized with shock that you had conjured your Patronus on the first try. Harry too stared at you, in shock that his sweet, gentle twin had so easily casted this difficult spell that had taken him many attempts.

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