ch 58 : please

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You hadn't enjoyed telling George about your plans with the trio, but you were comforted in knowing that you didn't even fully have a plan yet. You figured this meant that you would have more time with your loved ones before you had to leave, but when the death eaters ambushed Bill and Fleur's wedding the day after you and Harry turned 17, you realized that your hopes weren't going to come to fruition.

Hermione had grabbed you, and Ron and Harry met up with you. You had given George one last apologetic glance before the four of you apparated away. It was time. Things were getting out of hand, and it would only continue to get worse until you ended it once and for all by destroying every last horcrux and then Voldemort.

The next few months were some of the most painful of your entire life. The four of you spending your days just trying to survive. You sat with Ron each night as you listened to the radio and prayed you wouldn't hear your loved ones' names among the deceased and missing wizards and witches. You weren't smiling as much these days, but you still tried to crack some jokes from time to time to cheer up the others. They didn't usually laugh though. No one was really in a laughing mood anymore.

When you visited Mr. Lovegood, you kept whispering to the others that you had a bad feeling, but they all ignored you. They were too weary and desperate to really consider what you were saying. When you were being chased through the woods by death eaters later, you wished you had screamed it at them even louder. Maybe it would have prevented this.

When Harry, Hermione, and you were starting to be surrounded, Hermione used the stinging hex on Harry and some spell on you to distort your appearances. When you were dragged to your feet, you noticed that your hair was now a raven color. Hermione must have used the Crinus Muto spell since your normal auburn hair would be too distinct.

When one of the death eaters found the Sword of Gryffindor in Hermione's bag, you knew you were in trouble, but you had no idea how bad this really was.


Harry was shoved to his knees as the four of you were taken to Malfoy Manor. You were terrified. They would recognize you and Harry certainly, and you didn't know what would happen when they did. Draco was brought into the room, and his eyes flickered to the floor after he looked into your bright green eyes. He knew it was you, even if your hair was the wrong color.

Bellatrix brought Draco over to Harry and questioned him, "Is this the boy, Draco? We must be absolutely sure."

Draco stared at him while you just held your breath. Draco shook his head when his father asked him the question again. He stood up and backed away, slinking to the far wall as Bellatrix began to scream about how Hermione had the Sword of Gryffindor in her bag. You stood very still and hoped Bellatrix wouldn't recognize you. You knew you weren't the chosen one, and that your hair would have been the biggest giveaway, but you still feared that Bellatrix would remember you from that fight a couple years ago at the Ministry or even when Dumbledore died.

You flinched when Bellatrix rapidly began to choke all of the death eaters that had brought you to Malfoy Manor. It seemed as if seeing the sword had hit a nerve for Bellatrix. She grabbed Harry and Ron and shoved them at Peter Pettigrew as he entered the room. She snarled, "Put them in the cellar. I want to chat with these two...girl to girl."

Hermione inched closer to you while you jutted your chin up at and stared at Bellatrix. Draco was shifting on his feet on the other side of the room and looking on the scene with horror. You could tell he didn't know what to do.

Narcissa Malfoy started to usher Draco from the room while he looked at his mother with terror in his eyes. Draco ripped from his mother's grip after a moment and asked, "I can take the black-haired one if you'd like."

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