ch 45 : i'm only joking

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You woke up early the next morning. You wrapped your robe around yourself and shuffled down the stairs in a pair of socks you had stolen from George. They rose to your mid-calf, but you enjoyed the extra warmth they provided on that chilly Christmas morning. You descended the staircase, hearing soft Christmas music grow louder as you got closer to the ground floor. It sounded like a piano.

You padded along the corridor until you found the room with the old piano you had seen over the summer. Sirius was sitting at the piano, playing Sleep in Heavenly Peace on the piano as Thelma sat on the bench beside him with her head on his shoulder. They were so peaceful and still at the early hour, so you just leaned against the frame of the door and let the music wash over you.

You wanted to capture that moment in your memory forever. You tried to ingrain the feel of the cold wood just barely seeping through your socks into your memory. The sound of a fire crackling and the soft melodies echoing from the piano made your eyes flutter sleepily.

When an arm snaked around your waist, you didn't jump. You smiled up at the sleepy-eyed George and mouthed, "Merry Christmas." He mouthed it back and stood just behind you with his arms around your waist as you both listened to the calming music in the otherwise quiet home.

The song ended minutes later, but George had already tugged you off towards the kitchen before you were seen. He moaned, "I smell toast and bacon."

As the kids all stumbled into the kitchen with bedheads and half-closed eyes, Molly cheered, "Come eat! I made all of your favorites. Sausage for Ronald, bacon and toast for Fred and George, eggs for Ginny, porridge for Hermione, pancakes for Harry, and fried potatoes for Y/N. Did I get it all right, dearies?"

All of you nodded together as you sat down and began to load your plates with food. When Fred tried to take some of the potatoes, you jokingly slapped his hand and teased, "Your mother said those are for me."

Fred narrowed his eyes at you and remarked, "I think you want to share with me, Potter... I would hate for something...sinister to happen on Christmas."

Ginny hit the back of Fred's head with that comment but tucked into her eggs wordlessly seconds later.

While Fred was rubbing the back of his head with a pout, you giggled, "I'm only joking, Fred. Of course, you can have some."

Fred winked at you and scooped some onto his plate. The adults all joined them not even minutes later, widening their eyes at how much of the food was already consumed by the ravenous teens at the table.

Before long, the many residents of 12 Grimmauld Place were full of food and laughter as they all passed around presents.

You squealed when you opened up a gift from Molly. It was a new sweater since you had outgrown the one from first year. Mrs. Weasley had knit you and Harry your own sweaters that year after Ron told her you would be present-less that Christmas. You tugged the yellow sweater over your head, delighting at the black initial in the center. You thanked Mrs. Weasley profusely before handing Arthur and Molly your own gifts to them.

You were overjoyed when Arthur happily played with the yo-yo you got him, delighting in his fascination with the child's toy. Thelma energetically showed him how to use it, and you beamed at his happy little dance once he figured out how it worked.

Molly teared up at the new yarn and sentimental letter you gave her, her eyes raking over the note with a hand pressed to her lips. After she read it all, she crossed the room and squeezed you in a hug for nearly a minute straight. She whispered into your auburn hair, "You're so welcome, dearie. I'm so happy you feel welcome in our family too."

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