ch 57 : morning

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You spent the night laying in a pile of blankets and quilts on the floor next to the couch after George had fallen asleep earlier that evening. You couldn't sleep since your mind was still reeling after what had happened that day, so you heard when he began to stir on the couch.

George had blinked and taken in his surroundings on the couch. Judging by how the room was only illuminated by the moon shining through the window, George figured it was probably the middle of the night at that point. His eyes drifted to the floor beside the couch, and he frowned when he noticed a large bundle of blankets there.

Looking more closely, he jolted when he noticed there was a person lying among the blankets. When he noticed the pool of auburn hair splayed out on a pillow, he relaxed again. He whispered, "Y/N?"

You sat up immediately and faced him. You panicked, "Are you okay? Are you in pain still? I can go get your mum."

He shook his head and reached up to touch the bandage around his head. He murmured, "When did this get here?"

"Your mum put it on you before she went to sleep. You didn't wake up. You've been sleeping hard since we got back," You explained as your heart rate slowed again. You were glad he was awake for a moment because you were worried about how deeply he was sleeping. You had checked for a pulse on his wrist that night more times than you'd like to admit. You brushed your fingers through George's hair and sighed, "You should lie back down. You need your rest."

"So do you. What are you doing down here? You should go up to bed," George asserted as he examined your exhausted expression.

You shook your head and began to lie back down. You quipped, "I'm not leaving your side."

The two of you sat in silence for a moment until George sighed, "Well then, get up here, will you? I'm cold and lonely."

You bit your cheek and sighed, "But I don't want to hurt you. You're already injured, Georgie."

"You can't hurt me with cuddles, love. Come on then," He prodded as he gave you a goofy smile.

You shook your head and giggled as you crawled up onto the couch with him. He wrapped his arms around your small frame, and he grinned at how warm you were. He hummed, "Now this is better."

George noticed how tense you still seemed to be, and he wanted you to relax and get some rest as well, so he absentmindedly lifted his hand and began to stroke your forehead, his fingers gently following the white scar that still appeared on your forehead from your accident in fourth year.

You exhaled deeply and fell asleep almost immediately, finally able to let your exhaustion win once you saw that George was alright.


The next morning, you woke up feeling cold. You fluttered open your eyes and realized that George wasn't on the couch anymore. You sat up immediately and looked around. You couldn't see him from your spot in the living room, so you ditched the blankets and decided to go looking for him.

You stepped up to the entrance to the kitchen in your search but stopped in your tracks as you watched Harry and Ginny leaning in for a kiss. Your eyes bugged out of your head, and your jaw dropped.

Harry and Ginny?

You watched George sneak around the kitchen with a cup of tea before he paused by the sink and smirked at them.

They pulled apart and looked to George with horrified expressions. George sang, "Morning..." He winked at them and sipped his tea while watching them.

George gave Harry a pointed expression before Harry and Ginny hurried out of the kitchen and past you. You stared at Harry with huge eyes, but he just hissed, "Don't start."

You put your hands up and began to giggle as you joined George in the kitchen. George put his tea on the counter as you approached. You beamed up at him and laughed, "Well, that was weird."

His eyes twinkled as he looked down at you. He chirped, "Sure was."

You furrowed your eyebrows when you noticed the toothbrush in George's ear. You frowned and carefully pulled it out. You set it on the counter next to his teacup and wondered, "Do you think it's uncomfortable that they like each other?"

"And why would that be uncomfortable?" George asked as he placed his hands on your arms and rubbed your cold skin.

"Because we're together?" You offered with a slightly chuckle.

George murmured, "It's only uncomfortable if you think about it too much."

A laugh bubbled out of your throat, and you shook your head. After a moment of the two of you just exchanging goofy grins, you stepped in closer. He glanced around the otherwise empty kitchen. You rose to stand on your toes as George dipped his head to place his lips on yours. He cupped your cheeks as you kissed, both of you sighing into one another's lips, relieved to back in each other's embrace after so long apart.

As your kiss slowly ended, you murmured against his lips, "I have to tell you something, and you're going to be mad."

This made George pull back abruptly. He stared at you for a moment before he slowly questioned, "What is it?"

You glanced around the kitchen before you looked back at him again and admitted, "Harry, Hermione, and Ron were discussing how we need to destroy the remaining horcruxes to end this."

"We?" George asked, his eyebrows gradually drawing down his face.

You bit you bottom lip and sadly nodded. You confirmed, "Yes, we... I didn't want to keep this from you, but I need to do this. They will need my help."


"I don't know. We just started discussing this, and we all agreed that Harry wouldn't do it alone," You whispered as you periodically scanned the room for spying eyes.

George lifted his chin and decided, "Then, I'm going with you."

You shook your head and pleaded, "No, George, I don't want you in harm's way. I need you here, defending your family and helping the others get organized." You stared into his eyes and hoped he understood.

After a few moments, George sullenly whispered, "Do Sirius and Thelma know?"

You shook your head. You explained, "They won't support it, but we have to do this. Harry is the only one who knows much of anything about them, and the rest of us can't let him do this all alone."

George tugged you into his chest and kissed the top of your head. He sighed, "I hate the idea of that. I don't like the idea of you being out there somewhere. I hate thinking that I won't know if you're safe."

"I don't think anywhere is truly safe anymore, George. Not even here," You pointed out as you snuggled further into his chest and enjoyed your last moments of privacy together before the day began.

 Not even here," You pointed out as you snuggled further into his chest and enjoyed your last moments of privacy together before the day began

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