Chapter 3: IM TO LATE!!

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MANN I was having so much fun betting money I was winning I was losing too but at the end I came out with 83 dollars to spend I was excited I never had this much money in hand before. I asked Montrey "What time is it man" He checked the time and replied "9:30" I looked at him in shock "9:30!! bro I gotta go" I grabbed my bag stuffing the money I won deep into my pockets and shot out of the door. 9:30 I repeated in my head My dad was gonna kill me he didn't want me out past 7 due to the violence on every block. I stopped at a corner surrounded by tons of dudes and some females. I went in grabbing every snack I know I liked because I wasn't coming out my room tonight and sadly I knew that. I put all my items onto the counter and waited for the cashier to ring them up I slipped back into my thoughts repeating 9:30 in my head. The cashier snatched me out of my thoughts saying "26.94" I gave him 2 20's grabbed my change and put the items in my bookbag. I weaved through the crowd outside of the corner store and made my way home. When I got home I took a deep breath stepping onto the porch I took my key out and put it in the door opening it. I walked in to see my dad waiting for me in the recliner I could smell the alcohol on him from far "WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN BOY" I stuttered to find words "I- I- was" he jumped up from the chair making his way over to me. I started to panic I didn't know what to do but I knew that if he got ahold of me he'd try to beat me to death. When my dad got 3 feet away I turned around running back out of the front door. I didnt look back I just ran and ran I didn't have no where else to go beside home but I was tired of the suffering and I wasn't going back at least that's what I hoped and told myself.

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