Chapter 15: THATS ALL

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I was listening to the music as we pulled up into the driveway. Banks turned the car off and I was about to get out when Banks pulled me back "Sumn not right" He said he jumped in the backseat pulling a Wesson Rifle out of its box placing a silencer on it. "If I'm not back in 10 come in" he said passing me a silencer. He got out and walked into the house. I twisted the silencer onto my gun and checked my clip.

12 Minutes later

I waited 2 extra minutes and decided I would have to go in anyway. I got to the door and slowly pushed it open when I stepped in I seen Reach laying face flat on the stairs in a pool of blood I stood the in disbelief. After I got myself together I proceeded through house seeing bodies everywhere most was in all black as if it was a robbery. I peeked around a corner to see somebody running from room to room like they were looking for something. I waited till he came into view again and raised the gun shooting him. I proceeded through the house coming across Smokes body I kneeled down to him and his eyes slowly opened. He then attempted to speak but couldn't get it out I soon put it together and noticed he was saying Melissa's Name but before I could ask him what about her he was gone I felt my body heat up. I picked my gun up and proceeded through the house coming across a room with the door open. I walked into the room to see Stax with Shadow holding a gun to Melissa head. They all turn they're attention to me as I pointed my gun at them. They then pointed they're guns at me and spoke "Look bro we just want the money and we out of here" Stax said "Yall not going nowhere somebody dying" I yelled back I was in raged I heard Melissa cries as Shadow pressed the gun into her head more "G I'll shoot dis bitch just let us get da money". Before I could reply Banks bust through shooting. Which started a small shoot out I saw Stax drop meaning he was dying or dead. Shadow grabbed Melissa holding her hostage. "MY FUCKING BROTHER" he yelled I fired another shoot "Just give me the money or I'm shooting this bitch" he said coming out of cover with Melissa she looked drained and terrified. Banks fired a shot hitting him in the leg.


Melissa body hit the floor sending Banks into rage. He shot Shadow in the head continuing to shoot as his body fell. The clip then emptied Banks kept pulling the trigger. I was in shock disbelief how could this happen this way. I stared at Melissa's lifeless body. I didn't notice I was staring for long until Banks said "We gotta go" standing by the door. I tucked my gun in my waistband and followed Banks out. I followed Banks to Smoke room and he walked in the closet and came out with a duffle bag dropping it on the floor. Banks came out with 3 more duffle bags and looked at me he had pain in his eyes. "We-" He cleared his throat and spoke again "We skip states and start over" He took another breath "This time we do it the smart way and not Smokes way".

The End

I Wanna Continue buhh Not Like thisss!!

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