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I woke up the next morning with the sun hits my face and Antonia arms wrapped around me after all that love making we was doing last night. While Antonia is still so peaceful, I grabbed my phone and turn them on to see do I got any missed calls.

I wouldn't be surprised if Hazel was explotando mi teléfono toda la maldita noche (blowing up my phone all freaking night) while I'm getting some gato (cat) from Antonia which is tasted like honey and lemon mixed together.

It's wrong but it's feel so damn good which is I want some more but I can hear Aunt Katia talking to somebody in Spanish and I don't want her to hear Antonia screaming my name while I'm putting it on her.

I'm about to see what the hell did Chris called me for until I heard Antonia yawning as she getting ready to say something.
"Buenos dias malcom (Good morning Malcom)", Antonia yawn as she put the cover over her big ass titties that I sucked on like a newborn baby last night.
"Buenos días Antonia, ¿cómo dormiste anoche? (Good morning, how's your sleep last night)?", I asked as I kissed her on the forehead and rubbed my fingers through her hair.

"Dormí bien gracias a ti (I slept good thanks to you)", She said remembering when I screwed her all night until her legs gets weak. We about to start our little make out session until my phone start ringing and it's was Chris calling me but I answer it this time as Antonia got up, put on her nightgown and went to the bathroom.

Phone Convo 📞📱📱
Malcom🇵🇷🇵🇷: Hello!
Chris🇩🇴🇩🇴: ¿Qué pasa Malcom? (What's up Malcom).
Malcom🇵🇷🇵🇷: ¿Qué pasa Chris, qué estás haciendo? (What's up Chris, what are you doing)?
Chris🇩🇴🇩🇴: No mucho, acabo de desayunar, así que , ¿qué tal tu noche contigo y Antonia? (Not much, I just ate breakfast so what about you, how's your night with you and Antonia)?
Malcom🇵🇷🇵🇷: Nada especial, solo vemos películas y mierda (Nothing much, we just watch movies and shit).
Chris🇩🇴🇩🇴: Solo te llamo por Angel y Hazel (I'm just calling you about Angie and Hazel).
Malcom🇵🇷🇵🇷: ¿Qué diablos hicieron esas perras esta vez? (What the hell did them bitches do this time)?
Chris🇩🇴🇩🇴: ¿Recuerdas que Hazel con su trasero de trinquete trató de obligarte a ir a la fiesta de la casa de mierda en Brooklyn? (Do you remember that Hazel with her ratchet ass tried to force you to go to the bullshit house party at Brooklyn)?
Malcom🇵🇷🇵🇷: Si, que hay de eso (Yeah, what about it)?
Chris🇩🇴🇩🇴: Ese hijo de puta de Sion porque esa anciana mexicana llamó a la policía (That Zion son of a bitch cause that Mexican old lady called the police on them).
Malcom🇵🇷🇵🇷: ¿Estás jodidamente bromeando ahora mismo? (Are you freaking kidding me right now)?
Chris🇩🇴🇩🇴: No te estoy engañando, hombre, ese hijo de puta de trinquete estaba tocando música muy fuerte donde ella ni su esposo no pueden dormir. (I'm not bullshitting you man, them ratchet son of a bitches was playing music extremely loud where her nor her husband can't go to sleep).
Malcom🇵🇷🇵🇷: Entonces, ¿cómo diablos llegó Hazel a casa? (So how the hell did Hazel gets home)?
Chris🇩🇴🇩🇴: Su madre condujo hasta Brooklyn para buscarla. (Her mom drove all the way to Brooklyn to get her).
Malcom🇵🇷🇵🇷: Bueno, al menos no en el Bronx porque sabes que la mamá de Hazel consiguió un trabajo allí. (Well, at least she not at The Bronx because you know her mom got an job there).
Chris🇩🇴🇩🇴: Tienes razón porque ese cabrón de Zion estaba teniendo una fiesta en el monte.  Hope y algunas personas al azar la llamaron por Hazel, su mamá venía a buscarla en 15 minutos. (You goddamn right because if that Zion scumbag was having an house party and some random people called her about Hazel, her mom would came and get her I'm 15 minutes).
Malcom🇵🇷🇵🇷: Gracias por la información pero mejor me voy, mi tía debería terminar con el desayuno. (Thanks for the information but I better get going, my aunt should be done with breakfast).
Chris 🇩🇴🇩🇴: Está bien hombre, te hablaré más tarde (Alright man, I'll talk you later).
Phone Convo over 📞📱📱

Secret Lovers 🇩🇴🌹🌺💘🇵🇷🦋🔮Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ