Chapter 10

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When we got home our kwami's flew out our bags and went straight to the cookie jar and Plagg to the fridge for his cheese. While the rest of us just sat down together in the lounge. After about half an hour we all took out our homework and worked together to complete it switching to different methods to answer the question more efficiently to get correct results. Most of us worked separately for most of it though so it wouldn't look like we copied of each other. We had finished all our home work within one hour. By then our kwami's had come back from their food trip. We didn't really have much to do so we just stayed there in perfect silence. I designed some new clothes. Luka wrote down some lyrics for his album. Chloe was on her phone. Adrien and kagami were sparing in the training room.

Mean while back in Paris with the akuma class aka the Miraculous old class

It's been a week since school had started in Paris and only now Miss Bustier had noticed the long absence of five students in her class. When she looked on her register she noticed that Adrien, Luka, Chloe, kagami and even Marinette had not showed up to class this year. At first she brushed it off as tardiness but now when she looked at the new register for this year she saw that there names were taken off. She waited for the class to arrive and then asked them if anyone had scene any off their missing classmates lately.

She was surprised to find out that they had not even realized it themselves that there was a few students missing. When she called out the names of the fellow missing students she noticed her students faces had turn from confusion to hatred. She wondered what could of upset them so quickly but what she had heard Ayla just whispered made her even more shocked and on edge.

Ayla said "I hope they are all dead, we are better of without them any way"

This comment angered Miss Bustier because she had always taught her class to be loving and caring to everyone and also to always do the right thing. She never wanted them to ever wish ill on a fellow classmates or even their own friends. Before she could scold Ayla for what she had just said and put her in her place, Nino had already beat her to it saying that Ayla was foolish for believing a liar over her own bestfriend. He also told that she wasn't the girl he had fallen in love at the beginning, the same girl Ladybug had locked up with him at the Zoo. Nino than turned to the rest of the class telling all of them that they should be ashamed of themselves for what they have done, driving away their own friends for lies and fake promises.

Ayla out of pure rage took of with Nino saying that he was just like the rest a coward and manipulator, she even broke up with saying that Lila was right that she was to good for him since the beginning that Nino was just holding her back from her own true success in life.

Nino just laughed at her and told "Great in fact awesome at least now I know that you are to up Lila's ass that you'd believe all the crap that comes out her mouth now. Even when Lila told you to break up with me you listened to her. Me Ayla me your own boyfriend is now nothing to you. I am the man who's been in love with you for the past three years and you are just ditching me aside like I am nothing because Lila told you to do it. You know what when you realise the truth that Lila was the real lair this whole time. I don't want you to come running back to me begging for forgiveness, in fact I won't even bother with you because you just threw away like I was nothing. I hope in the future when you see happy me with some one else that you remember this day and that you were the one who hurt me the most out of everyone in this class.  "

He then turned to the class and said "I hope that one day in the future you all realized the truth and all the damage you've all done to destroy all the light that ever existed in this class. I lost my best friend because of all of you. I also lost the one girl I loved like a sister because of you. Marinette stood for all of us in this class and you guys turned against them in less than a heart beat."

He then turned to Lila "I wish noting wrong on you, just that you get what you deserve to come to you" and with that he walked out the class leaving a crying Ayla for Lila to comfort and a very dishearten class at the loss of another classmate. But what no one realized is that Juleka had videoed everything Nino had just said on her phone and had send it to the Miraculous team in New York. Looks like New York is gonna have another Miraculous teammate joining in.

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