Chapter 18

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Three months later

For the past three months life been pretty great. Felix and I've gotten closer we understand each other in ways not even our closest friends or family could. We just click together like a puzzle game. 

We also get to help the New York superhero's once in a while to catch escape fugitives or simple building fires where we would help evacuate people. It's been amazing these last few months since we came to New York with no old classmates harassing us and make new friends we can actually trust no one to betray us here. I guess you could say that we are healing from our past and taking new steps in our lives. Adrien opened up a lot since Nino came to live with us in New York. They are practically glued to each other at home but at school let's just say they have new heart trobers. Nino and Allegra are hitting it of quite fashionably with the fact they both love music and wanna be dj's but I can see Nino still needs time to heal after Ayla, I just hope they work out because they are so perfect for each other.

Adrien on the other hand is crushing on Allison. The way that boy blushes went she walks into the room and he can't take his eyes of her at lunch is to obvious. Even when we mention just her name in a single conversation his ears perk up like a cat trying to hear what we say about her. I know Allison starting to develop a crush on him to because her ears always turn red when Adrien flirts with her and when Chloe and I tease her about him staring at her. 

Also Chloe and Marcus are hitting it of well they text every night before they go to sleep and turns out Marcus is one of the new recruits for the New York superhero team. He has the lizard miraculous with the kwami Zeck he has the power to camouflage himself with anything. We actually found out when Marcus phone rang with "I was gonna clean my room until I got high" ringtone that the chipmunks sing while we was chasing after a couple of bank robbers after school. Plus only one man calls Chloe "Sunshine of my heart" or just "Sunshine".

It nice to see that all my friends are moving on as well. Oh and Kagami and Luka seem to have something on between them but we don't say anything because we don't want Kagami coming after us with one her Kanata's.  

Today though we all decided to go to the park to enjoy some together time Claude says and to get some fresh air because most of us have either been in the library or at home studying for the up coming exams in three weeks time. Although we get above average marks in all our work and are always top of the class we do prefer to revise over our work just incase.

We were walking to a near by bench when we heard gunshots and of course Adrien and I immediately run to the sound but we didn't realize is that the rest of our friends followed us trying to get us to safety. Chloe and Marcus was already clearing out the people on the east gate and Luka and Kagami were doing the same on another entrance. Adrien and I hid behind a couple of trees and transformed after Plagg complained for more cambert and how we ruined his cat nap. We climbed up some tress to get a good view of where the gunshots were coming from. When we looked to the south entrance of the park we realized their was five gunman walking to the center of the park with three hostages at gunpoint. Adrien took the two on right while I took the one who had a gun pointed to a kid's head we knocked them out from behind and left the cops to cuff them up then went behind a few monuments and detransformed. Once we fed Tikki and Plagg we came out and but when we saw Allison and Felix looking at us with that look Chloe with give us when we get caught for doing something behind her back we knew we busted. 

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