1. The Burrow

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Summer of '94, The Burrow

(Y/n) Black, the daughter of Sirius Black and raised by the Weasley family, has developed a profound appreciation for them. However, her bond with the oldest Weasley twin, Fred, has grown particularly strong. This deep connection forms amidst the backdrop of a wizarding war, with (Y/n), Fred, and the famous Harry Potter all fighting side by side.

You find yourself in the cozy sanctuary that is Ginny's room, a place that has become your haven over the last 14 years. The Weasley household, with its warmth and open arms, has been your refuge ever since your father, Sirius Black, was wrongfully imprisoned in the terrifying depths of Azkaban. Even though he has managed to escape, the looming danger of reuniting your family remains due to the relentless pursuit by the Ministry of Magic.

Within these welcoming walls, you've cultivated profound bonds with the Weasley family. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley have taken on the roles of surrogate parents, filling the void left by your father's absence. Bill, with his inherent protectiveness, Charlie, exuding an easygoing charm, and Percy, who often seems detached but still plays his part, all contribute to the intricate family dynamic. Then there are the twins, notorious for their mischievous antics, which never fail to keep everyone entertained. George, the quieter of the two, contrasts beautifully with his brother Fred.

And it's Fred Weasley who has captured your heart, though the reasons remain elusive, even to you. Perhaps it's his infectious smile that can light up any room, his sharp intellect, or the delicate balance of his differences and similarities with George. Whatever it is, your feelings for Fred are a well-guarded secret, known only to you, hidden deep within the chambers of your heart.

You couldn't sleep. The news of Mr. Weasley securing tickets to the Quidditch World Cup had you over the moon. As a fervent Quidditch fan, excitement coursed through your veins, making rest elusive. After tossing and turning for what felt like an eternity, you decided a glass of water might help quell your restlessness.

Trying your best not to rouse anyone, you carefully crept downstairs, glancing over your shoulder periodically to avoid Mrs. Weasley or any light sleepers. As you descended, you realized you weren't the only one on this early morning mission. Fred Weasley, back turned, leaned against the kitchen counter. He wore a white tank top, revealing well-defined biceps and back muscles – a testament to his Quidditch prowess.

You found yourself standing there for a solid two minutes, somewhat mesmerized by the sight, before remembering your original goal. You moved quietly toward the kitchen counter where Fred stood.

"Good morning, Freddie," you greeted him in a hushed tone, a smile playing on your lips.

"Well, good morning to you, (Y/n). What's got you up so early? You're not exactly a morning person," Fred replied, turning to face you, his gentle smile casting its usual spell on your heart.

"The same could be said for you, I believe. I'm just incredibly excited about the Quidditch World Cup and couldn't sleep well. I thought a glass of water might help, even though we both know it probably won't," you confessed with a soft chuckle. You reached for a glass from the lower cabinet and began filling it with water.

"Can't argue with that. The excitement is real," Fred agreed, taking a sip from his own glass. You couldn't help but admire his laid-back demeanor and natural charm.

"So, what about you? Why are you up so early?" you inquired, pulling yourself from your thoughts about Fred.

"I couldn't sleep either. Just thinking," he replied.

"Fred Weasley thinking? Now that's a rarity," you teased, a playful smirk gracing your lips.

"Is that so? Find it amusing, do you?" he countered, taking a step closer to you. The proximity was hard to ignore, and you couldn't help but notice the small freckles on his face even in the dim light.

"Actually, yes. Quite hilarious," you shot back, maintaining eye contact with him.

Before Fred could respond, Mrs. Weasley's footsteps echoed down the stairs, prompting him to take a discreet step back.

"Good morning, you two! What's brought you up so early?" Molly inquired with her characteristic warmth, offering the same smile she had bestowed upon you since childhood.

"Morning, Mum," Fred greeted, moving over to her to plant a kiss on her cheek, which she returned with affection.

"Good morning, Molly! We were just getting some water," you explained, joining in the hug, hoping she didn't misinterpret the situation between you and Fred.

"I see," she said, her hug slightly more lingering. She then suggested, "If you're both up, how about lending a hand in the kitchen and helping with breakfast?"

"I'll have to pass, actually. Starting to feel really tired, so I'll head back to bed. See you later," Fred yawned, his charming smile still intact as he started making his way back upstairs.

"I'll help you, Molly. It's not like I have any big plans anyway," you offered, returning Molly's smile.

"Thank you, dear! It's nice to have a helpful hand around the house. Let's get started, shall we?" Molly said with gratitude and enthusiasm, setting the tone for a productive morning.

The next couple of hours saw you assisting Molly with various tasks around the house and even out on the small patio. Molly's decision to let you help her make breakfast, despite a near-disastrous cooking incident, took you pleasantly by surprise.

With everything set on the dining table – plates, cutlery, and all – you turned to Molly while preparing additional pancakes for Bill and Charlie, who were also staying for the summer.

"Molly, the table is all set. Is there anything else I can help you with?" you asked, eager to contribute.

"(Y/n), you've been a tremendous help. It might be a lot to ask, but could you please go wake up the others? We wouldn't want the food to go cold before they're up and about," Molly requested, her smile reflecting gratitude.

"No problem at all. I'll be right back!" you assured her before heading off to rouse the rest of the household.


Well, hello there! I'm Lyrine, the author. So, this is my first ever fanfiction (mainly writing this so I can improve my English) and I would love some feedback. Anything you would like to add to the story, anything you want to correct me on. All is appreciated.
Tbh, I don't have anything else to say so I hope you enjoyed it and you're all safe. Love you

Edit: hi there, lyrine from the future here. This is the rewritten version of ooak, if you wanna read the old one, it's up on my profile. that's it! love u!

One Of A Kind ||A Fred Weasley Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now