Chapter 14

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Brooks POV- Present

    I've been in this yoga den for three days pacing the floor trying to come up with some idea that will show Sydney that I want to give us a real shot. Hell, I was this close to calling a Dawson family meeting and telling all of them right here and now, but I don't want to jeopardize Layla and Sydney's friendship. I'm too unsure if that will help or hurt my case further, so I decided against it.
   That's why I am once again walking back in forth, tripping over foam rollers and yoga mats not anywhere closer to an answer. There is a home football game tonight, Senior Night specifically so I know it's gonna pull a huge crowd. Maybe if I go and she sees that I'm not running scared again, then she'll know how much she means to me.

What have I got to lose?

 I look down at my dirty sweatpants and stained-up T-shirt, taking a whiff under my arms. 

When is the last time I showered? A rumble leaves my chest. It's no wonder my mom keeps coming in here every hour to check and make sure I'm okay. She probably thinks I went off to college and took up the hygiene of a homeless person.

I have a few hours before I need to leave for the game so I grab some shorts and my running shoes, I'll think more clearly if I get a workout in before I make another surprise attack on Syd. Throwing my earbuds in, I'm out the door.

 By the time I get back from my run and tossed some weights around on my old equipment in the garage, I'm feeling much better and a little less foggy. I grabbed some clean clothes, jumped in the shower, and do my best to impress the girl I'm chasing. 

I sprayed on a couple of pumps of cologne as I checked myself in the mirror. I heard a knock at the bathroom door, "Yeah, just a minute!" I yelled.

Seconds later my sister is bursting in, "Hurry up princess, I need to get ready for the game."

"By all means, come on in."

"My god, I hope the girl you're trying to impress can't smell or she might choke on your cologne." As she fans her hand in front of her nose.

 "Oh, shut up. The ladies go crazy for some Giorgio Armani." I smile.

 "Speaking of girls, Clay told me you were at the school the other day talking to Sydney. What was that all about?" She questions.

 I freeze. I knew there was a large possibility Layla would find out but I wasn't prepared for my reaction to her questioning me. So I not so gracefully went with the excuse Sydney had texted me that Quinn used when we left the table together. 

"Uh, I ...uh... well....she had some questions about Louisville and I was at the school to visit Coach so I just dropped by your guys' table."

"Oh...Okay..." She says but I'm not sure she's convinced. "It just seems weird," she continues.

 "Weird, uh, why...why? Why's that weird? " I stutter. Nice Brooks, you're not making this obvious at all.

"Because who on earth would want advice from you? " and she bursts out laughing.

 "HA.HA. You're hilarious." I say sarcastically as I walk out into the hall. Whew, that was close.

Sydney and I need to get our shit together. This is all getting to be way too overwhelming, and lying is not a skill that I am accustomed to. 

"You need a ride to the game?" I holler back in at Layla.

 "Nah, I'll just drive. I'm hoping to come up with some plans after. Mom and Dad will be more likely to say yes if I don't have to come back for my car." She tells me and I agree. 

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