Chapter 15

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    Sydney's POV

    I woke up laying on something hard, it was moving. I'm moving. Or am I just moving with it? Man, I'm confused. What happened?
    I try to move my legs but I can't there's something holding them down, and the same for my arms. I blink open my eyes and the lights are bright. So bright I close them again. 

I hear voices, but not familiar ones.

"You're going to be okay Sydney. Stay awake." One of the voices says.

"Her blood pressure is rising." Another says.

"Can..can we turn the lights off? " I mumble out barely above a whisper.

"There she is! Glad you're coming to Sydney, we're almost to the hospital." The second voice says to me as she lays her hand on mine.

"Hospital, why?" I question her as I try and open my eyes again.

"You were in an accident dear but you're very lucky your friends were there to help you and call 911." The first voice says.

 "Layla...Brooks....." I try to move as I am filled with worry.

 "We're at the hospital now sweetie. You just hang tight and we're gonna get you evaluated."

    Once I'm in the ER I hear a very loud scream, "Oh my god! Sydney, my baby!" That voice I recognize, it's my mom. I open my eyes and see her above me in between two nurses.

 "Sis, you're going to be okay, I can't believe this. You scared me half to death!" She is crying nonstop, her face bright red and blotchy. I close my eyes again, the lights still too bright. 

"Mom, I'm okay" I try and say but it comes out more muffled than I intend.

The nurses push me back into a room and go over my vitals. They tell me everything is looking good but they need to run some tests before they let me off the stretcher.

"We're going to let your parents back here while you wait for the doctor and police officer, okay." The young nurse tells me.

"Yeah" I mumble and she taps me on the arm and walks out of the room.

Moments later my parents are at my side. My mom squeezes my hand and my dad stands back, silent. My mom is asking me a million questions and my head hurts so I try and tune her out as much as I can.

"Pam, let her rest. They think she has a severe concussion so asking her all those questions isn't going to help." My dad says softly.

"You're right, I'm sorry, but they want her to stay awake." She says. "Open your eyes Sis, you can't go to sleep just yet.'

"Is Layla okay?" I ask.

"Yes, Layla is fine. Pretty shaken up but you taking the ditch you missed her car. She had stopped because the wind blew a tree branch down blocking the road. Brooks was behind you, he saw the whole thing. They called 911 and stayed with you until the ambulance got there and then they called us. I think he was more worked up than Layla, poor boy." My mom tells me.

Just as I open my mouth to say something the doctor walks in. He looks like he's around my dad's age. Tall, thin with salt and pepper hair, and a short-cut beard. He's handsome for an older man and I just hope he has good news so I can get the hell out of here and talk to Layla.

"Well Sydney we're gonna send you back for a few tests but you should be okay, we just want to make sure that there's nothing internal. You're a very lucky young lady. At most, we believe you have a pretty severe concussion from the airbag." Doctor Handsome says to me and my parents, and he exits as quickly as he entered.

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