Chapter 22

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The end of Brook's first year at college

        After Brooks told me he loved me in a drunken stupor I didn't know what to say except exactly how I felt. Something I had known for a long time but was always too afraid to admit but now with his admission even if it was an intoxicated one, I told him without hesitation, "I love you too Brooks, I always have."

    Within minutes of our heartfelt exchange, he was rushed off the phone to go partake in whatever partying was happening next. As soon as the line went dead I sat there smiling at my phone not knowing what this all meant. I just knew I couldn't wait to see him again.


    The following two months went by quickly, Brooks and I never talked about that drunken conversation, I honestly wasn't even sure if he remembered it.
    I wanted was desperate to believe that the alcohol gave him the courage to express his true feelings that I never brought it up. I didn't want to take the chance of tarnishing the moment for me. I didn't want to take the chance that he regretted it. So I selfishly held onto that moment for everything I wanted it to be and didn't allow the doubt or the possible truth to take it away. 

I hadn't heard much from him because he was so busy with school, finals, and packing up for his move home. He had mentioned an internship he had applied for a few months ago but he hadn't mentioned anything about it since so I was hoping that meant he was going to be here for the entire summer.

    Late one night he texted me, 

One last final tomorrow and I'll be home Friday. Hope to see you soon Syd. -B

 As always my heart fluttered at the words on the screen. 

It was the middle of May and I still had a couple more weeks of school left but no weekend obligations so I knew I could come up with a way to see him.

I'll see if I can make some time in my busy schedule. ;) -S

    I smile at my response, girl still has to play hard to get. 

Even though we hadn't talked much there was a different energy behind our words than there had been before. Something more real, intense, and passionate. I didn't say anything to him about it but I could feel it. Like a burn under my skin that was ready to ignite at the thought of him. 

   We put all the plans in place to meet up on Saturday night, Friday being designated to his family and I planned to "spend the night with Quinn." While she was out with Sam I would be out with Brooks.

 Brooks seemed nervous when we talked on the phone," Meet me out at the shop around 9 pm, everyone will be gone and it'll be pretty much dark." He said with a shake in his voice. 

 "Are you sure we won't get caught?" I asked with breathless anticipation.

"I have it all planned out, just trust me, okay Graves?" there was something different in his voice, a depth that I'd never heard before. 

"If you say so, Dawson." my heart would never let me disagree with him despite any fear that might be settling in the pit of my stomach. 

    Saturday night finally rolled around, I was packing my bag and getting ready I put on my favorite pair of cut-off shorts, it was unusually warm already so I was taking advantage of it. Then I picked out a thin white long-sleeve, slide into some sandals, brushed the worn waves of my brown hair, and touched up my mascara. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, there was something about tonight that felt different. I couldn't explain it but I had this feeling after tonight everything was going to change. 

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