one more bottle

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"Welcome to the world where dreams become nightmares!" Danny sang the last words of been to hell.

Everyone in the crowd cheered as all of the guys said their goodbyes to the fans.

They all looked sweaty and burnt out.

"Hey jorel, nice head banging too the piano!" Kaila joked as they walked backstage.

"The fangirls love it." He smirked.

"Hey, what'd you think of the show?" Danny walked up to me smiling.

"You guys are really great in concert." I wrapped my arms around him in a quick hug.

"Are you two like a thing now?" Everyone had stopped their own conversations and were staring at us.

I shot Danny a glance.

"Yeah, we are." I put his arm around my shoulder.

"Took you long enough." Kaila scoffed playfully.

"Aww their a couple!"


"Shes so wasted." Jordan slurred, slapping his hand against the bar.

"Yeah sure..." I rolled my eyes and downed another beer.

I was only mildly buzzed at this point. I only had 5 beers.

"Hey, babeeee." I heard Elena hiccup from behind me.

"You should probably lay off the shots." I smirked at how pathetically drunk she was.

"I think I'll just have one more." She could barley even keep her balance.

"Your the one who has to deal with the effects in the morning." I shrugged and watch her lumber away to God knows where.

"Cmere and kiss me jorel." Jordan looked like he had just gotten run over by a truck, twice.

"Your drunk as hell, and I have a girlfriend I don't go that way." I backed up nervously.

"You can be my lesbian segal." He laughed drunkenly.

God he's gonna feel like hell in the morning.

"Jordan, your drunk, your not thinking straight. I'm gonna go see if kailas sober enough to drive your sorry ass back to the hotel." I walked over too where kaila, elena, and Abby stood. Elena apreated to be the only one who was drunk.

"Hey kaila, how much have you had to drink?" I asked glancing back at drunken jordan.

"Only a shot or two, why?"

"Jordan needs someone to drive him back to the hotel, and I don't think anyone elese is sober enough to do it." I said.

"Sure. I probably won't be back. Does anyone else need a ride?" She pulled her keys out of her pocket.

"I think Elena should go too, I don't think she should have any more drinks." I glanced over at Elena, who was talking to herself.

"Hey how are you going to get home?" She looked back at me.

"I think ill walk, it's nice out and the hotel isn't too far from here." I waved at her as she dragged Jordan and Elena out of the bar.

The blaring music was starting to make my head ache. I sighed and got up, slowly walking out of the bar. The night air was refreshing, and clear. A light snow had fallen while we were in the bar. It made the night even better. It was kind of nice to be away from everyone for a while, it felt calm.

I'll be updating every Wednesday and Saturday! Hope you liked this chapter!

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