Chapter 1: Enter, Naruto Namikaze-Uzamaki

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It was a beautiful night in Konaha,anyone who visited there would have thought it was the most peaceful of villages, that had happy people who treated everyone equally, but like people, or ninjas even, are told, we should look underneath the underneath... If you really took the time to look past the so-called ''happiness" of this village, you would notice the darkness that it held toward three specific children...

(Third person's POV)

Looking at the streets of Konoha, you can see a young blond with red tips at the end of they're hair, deep blue eyes, three cute whisker marks adoring his tan skin on each cheek, running with what looked like scratches and bruises along his scrawny body. You may be wondering, why does someone who sounds so adorable and seemed so innocent, have such injuries on his body? Well to tell you the truth, the injuries he got away with are quite minor, looking back at the past injuries he's had before.

You see, Naruto is quite special, the reason he gets such horrible treatment from the village is because he holds the Kyubbi No Kitsune, also known as Kuruma sealed inside of him. His father, Minato the 4th hokage, wanted him to be known as a hero for holding the nine tailed fox that attacked Konoha 4 years ago. Yep, you heard me right, Naruto Uzamaki is also known as Naruto Namikaze-Uzamaki,the son of the well-known Minato Namikaze, the yellow-flash, and Kushina Uzumaki, the Red Hot Habanero. And sadly, instead of treating Naruto here like a hero, they saw him as the Kyubbi himself, And because of this they beat him everyday saying that he's a monster who killed their families, even though Naruto is just a little boy who thinks it's unfair for them to treat him like this, he even pities them seeing as he himself knows his own heritage, and what's sealed inside of him, and just thinks it's sad that they would take their anger out on him.

Naruto ended up meeting Kurama after he had gotten beaten so bad that he was at the brink of death at only the age of 3. When he met him it turned out that the great nine-tailed fox was just a big old fluff ball, who felt guilty that he ended up killing Naruto's parents, And it turned out that he didn't even mean to attack Konaha but was controlled by the man Madara Uchiha who was said to be dead. So with all of this, Kuruma thought that the blonde would hate him, but instead, the young boy wanted to be friends with him and even forgave him saying that it wasn't his fault and that he must be sad to be trapped in a cage for so long.

So with that, Kuruma and his kit Naruto formed a close bond with each other, and although it pained the nine-tailed fox to see his kit get hurt like he did, Naruto told him not to attack the villagers because they're just blinded by their hate and he didn't want to hurt them. Kurama unwillingly complied to Naruto's wishes and just healed his wounds as best as he could. But going back to where we are now, after Naruto ended up being abused again by the villagers, he ran to his safe haven in The Forest of Death near his favorite tree, not knowing that it would change his life.
Hey! Author here, I know that this chapter probably is a little boring, but I just wanted the first few chapters kind to fill in on the kids life so we can get to the good stuff XD. I really wanted to try to write one of these stories because a lot of the times they could end up unfinished which is unfortunate because these kind of Naruto AU's are really fun to read, so I wanted to try my best to write one, complete it, and hopefully some people will read it 🙃. All right Author-nim is out! (Ps. The pic at the top is what I want Naruto to look like, except he has red tips at the top of his hair.)

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