Chapter 4: A New Family is Born

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Hey you guys! A new chapter is up! Before we go ahead and jump to the story I would again like to clarify that I do not own Naruto.

"Kurama speaking"
'someone thinking'
"Normal speech"

          Third Person's POV

As both Sakura and Sasuke continued to run they didn't really think about where they were going. They just kept running and running, but because they weren't paying attention, they both ended up crashing into each other. A very loud "OW!" Was heard from the 5-year-olds as they looked up at each other. They Analyzed each other, Mint green eyes meeting dark onyx eyes.

Finally, Sasuke decided to speak up looking at Sakura's injuries and asked the question that was on both of their minds, "What are you doing here?"

"I was-,” But before Sakura could answer they both heard loud whimpering coming from behind the tree they were sitting in front of. When they finally peaked  their heads,they saw the most unbelievable thing...They could have been the first to ever see this! A young boy with blonde hair and red tips at its ends, deep blue ocean-like eyes, whisker-like birthmarks on each cheek adoring his sun-kissed skin, and fox ears and a tail, was crying in front of a large tree! He had bruises and scratches on his body. Sakura and Sasuke's eyes widened in amazement when they saw the adorable hybrid in front of them, But they quickly replaced that with a look of worry when they saw the injuries on his body. He was also crying! They shared a look, and inaudibly, decided to approach him.

Naruto's POV

The events of today brought me to tears again. Kurama always tries to soothe me in the best way he can, but everyday I just feel lonelier and lonelier, of course Kyu-nii it's always there for me but it would be nice to have more family for once. "Kit…"

"Oh, I'm sorry for worrying you Kura-nii,I forget you could hear my thoughts sometimes."

"It's all right Naru-chan, just remember I'm always there for you." In an effort to conceal my embarrassment, I quickly covered my blush because of the nickname Kyu-nii gave me, and responded by telling him that I know.

      I then hear the sound of footsteps walking toward me, and I already start to panic.  Not only was I afraid that someone was going to hurt me, but I also realized that I had my henge off to make it look like I just have human features and not Fox features as well, Kurama taught me how to do it so that people don't hurt me more than they already do for looking different.       

Kura-nii keeps telling me that it's okay, but I can't help but feel scared. I finally look up at the people walking towards me and calm down a little.

I noticed that they're the same age as me, and that a girl with bubble gum hair also has injuries on her body and it looked like her eyes were red and puffy from crying. I took a look at the boy next to her, his hair looked like a duck's butt so I kind of wanted to laugh but I was still too scared to.

Additionally, his eyes were red and puffy, probably due to crying. Nevertheless, I was surprised by their look of worry that ran through their eyes as they looked at me. Then the girl with bubblegum hair and light green eyes began to talk...

Sakura's POV

As me and the guy next to me approached the little blond angel in front of us, he seemed to notice us and looked right at us. Although I noticed that he looked scared, I still wanted to  make sure he was okay. I then continued walking towards him and asked, "Hello, don't be alarmed, we won't harm you. In fact, we just ran into each other, but we noticed you crying, are you okay??”

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