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Teacher- hi and welcome to your first lesson of maths
Boy- yeah we've been here a year this isn't our first lesson there's only 3 new people in this class and that's those two *pointing to mini and Rose* and that guy over there.
Teacher- alright Mr Mills no need to be rude your councillor said that I had to introduce it to everyone. Now unless you want more time added onto your sentence I suggest you shut your mouth and let me introduce these two lovely ladies and this lovely gentleman to everyone. Now please say your names and age and what you're in here for.
Rose- wait we have to tell everyone what we're in here for?
Teacher- indeed it's part of protocol so that no inmate feels left out or cornered
Rose- but we don't know anything about any of them so why should we introduce ourselves and say what we've done?
Teacher- oh we have a mouthy one here
Boy- I like her already
Teacher- Mr Mills! What have I told you about being quiet?!
Boy- shutting up now
Teacher- you will find out about them as the time goes on
Mini- Rose it's okay everyone will know eventually
Teacher- what a pretty name for such a delinquent child. Rose is it? Tell me about yourself
Rose- you insult me and now you expect me to tell you about myself? No way
Teacher- well this class isn't moving forward until you do
Rose- urgh *she rolls her eyes* hi my names Rose I'm 17 and I'm in here for arson and fighting
Mini- like the type of fighting breaking peoples bones and hospitalising them fighting
Rose- yes thank you mini
Teacher- okay mini is it? Tell me about yourself
Mini- hi my name is mini I'm 17 years old and I'm in here for vandalism and drug misuse
Boy- so you're a druggie
Rose- *turns around to face the boy who's been interrupting the whole lesson* shut it Mills I don't know your first name but Mills will do. What have you done that's so bad you ended up landing yourself in here?
Boy- my name is Max so no Mills will not do and that's not really any of your business is it?
Rose- well you've heard about me and mini so I want to hear about you. What have you done so bad that you have ended up in here? Because it's clearly nothing minor or the police would have let you off with a warning. So before you start on mini maybe take time and reflect on why you're in here too. Dickhead. *she rolls her eyes and sits down leaving the boy speechless*
Teacher- right moving on. Who are you young man?
Boy- my name is Luke and I've been here for about 2 years now I'm not new Mills just hasn't ever noticed me and clearly neither have you.
Teacher- oh I am sorry. Anyway we should get on with the lesson
*the teacher explains what they have to do and then leaves them too it*
Mini- thank you for that but you really didn't have to get yourself into trouble with one of the Mills twins for me.
Rose- you know who they are?
Mini- yeah my cousin was in here and he said that they're into some really bad shit or were before they got thrown in here this is supposed to be their last year of their sentence. But no one ever stands up to them whether it be male or female. Max which is the one that you just called a dickhead has friends and he's the leader of one of the gangs in here. Harvey which is the other one. He's more of a lone wolf so to speak he has friends but only a small group and rumour has it that he's the most violent of the twins and he doesn't wanna hurt anyone so he keeps himself to himself.
Rose- here's one thing you'll learn about me. I will throw fists with the toughest bitch in school I don't care who it is. I will stand up for people who I care about to people who I have no clue about and that could be murderers for all I know. I'm a lone wolf and if it's true about Harvey why did I see him with a huge group of people?
Mini- yeah that is strange he might have changed from when my cousin was in here
Rose- no one will ever hurt you as long as I'm here mini. I don't care if it means getting more time onto my sentence like I said there's something about you. You keep me calm and I'll protect you
Mini- okay thank you and I will
Teacher- and that concludes the end of your lesson now it's lunchtime follow one of the people that's been here a while everyone has to eat lunch they will lead you to where you're supposed to be
*Mini and Rose walk out of the room and down a long corridor with groups of people and then got pushed into a line where they had to wait to be served whatever was on the menu. When they got their food they were pushed by the guards to find some seats and they plonked themselves down on an empty table and sighed with relief that all the pushing around was over*
Max- oi rose
Rose- what do you want Mills?
Max- *drops down onto the seat next to her* I like you you're interesting.
Rose- and I care because?
Max- you'll see *he says while getting up and walking away with his group of friends and his twin brother*
Mini- I'm curious
Rose- about?
Mini- why Max is so interested in you. All the girls in here have thrown themselves onto him and he's turned them away so why you? All you need now is Harvey to take an interest in you and if it's good then no one will mess with you
Rose- I don't need their protection no one will mess with me anyway. I don't care if I have to prove that I'm not to be messed with then I will I don't care about the added time onto my sentence
Mini- you're literally like the sister I never had
Rose- we've all got to have each other backs in here Mini. We're all family now well at least until everyone is out.
Guard- when you've eaten go outside and get some fresh air you're gonna need it before the councillor assigns you your jobs
Rose- okay thank you
Guard- hey I swear I know you
Rose- me? I don't think you do ma'am this is my first time being here
Guard- you're the girl that set the heads office on fire in Richmoore academy
Rose- oh my god and you're the girl that put it out
Guard- yeah I was in year 11 and you were in year 8 when you did that. How many schools have you been too since then?
Rose- well I've been to 4 schools in the past year I haven't kept track of how many I've been to in my life *she laughs*
Guard- and now you've landed yourself in here
Rose- yeah not one of my proudest moments
Guard- anyway the others can't catch me being nice to you so sorry if I act like a total bitch sometimes but go on outside now get some fresh air
*the guard walks away and Mini and Rose make their way outside*

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