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*at the Mills house*
Paul- *unlocks the door and opens it* home sweet home *he whispers because Tilly is asleep in Harvey's arms because she fell asleep in the car*
Harvey- Max and I will go and put her to bed I'm gonna need him to open the doors for me because I'll end up giving her a concussion if I do it by myself *he slightly chuckles*
Max- yeah I'm gonna go to bed and check my phone after though so I'm gonna say goodnight to you guys now *he hugs his parents and then helps Harvey put Tilly to bed*
Harvey- night tills *he says kissing her forehead*
Max- night tills *he says also kissing her forehead*
*they both walk out of their little sisters room say night to each other and walk into their separate rooms. They both shower and change jump into bed and check their phones which they both see a message from Rose's mum*
"Hey boys it was lovely meeting you today here's Rose's number *insert number here* she woke up about an hour or so after you left and asked or you and her friends straight away, if you could pass her number on to the others we would appreciate it. Would you like to come and see her tomorrow? Kai will be at college so you're more than welcome to come. I will be here all day. The visiting hours start at 11:30 and end at 9 I hope to see you soon. Love Rose's mum x"
*they both replied back that they would be there tomorrow and then shut their phones off and went to sleep in their own bed for the first time in almost 4 years*
*the next morning both boys woke up around the same time (10am) to the smell of freshly made breakfast foods. Max walked out of his room a little earlier than Harvey and went downstairs to join his family. Then Harvey joined a few minuets later*
Sara- good morning boys. Your dad has already gone to work and Tilly has already gone to school you boys start college next week and I can drive you both to visit Rose today if you want?
Harvey- yeah that would be great mum
Max- yeah her mum messaged us last night asking us if we wanted to go and visit her
Sara- that's nice of her. And I've been in contact with Jared mum, Mini's dad and Olivia mum and they have all passed on their numbers for me to give to you boys they are written on a piece of paper in the side. If they are all awake ask them to come over and I will drive them to the hospital to visit Rose with us but first eat your breakfast
Max- wow thanks mum you did all that when we were asleep?
Sara- yeah don't underestimate to power of mums hunny *she laughs*
*they eat put their friends number into their phones and before they knew it everyone from the delinquent group was around at their house sat in the living room waiting for Max and Harvey's mum to get ready to drive them to see Rose in the hospital*
Jared- feels like old times this does *he chuckles*
Olivia- yeah when we all used to sit on the mats in the gym when we were bored of working
Mini- or when we all got into trouble for drenching that guard who took the piss out of Rose and we all got sent to the councillors office
Harvey- or the time when we all sat in Rose's room and refused to move until Jared admitted his deepest darkest secret which wasn't even that bad *he laughs*
Max- or when we used to sit on that bench in the courtyard talking until it was dark
Jared- those were some amazing times and there's more amazing times to come I mean we're all going to the same college and we all live basically next door from each other so it's basically sorted
Everyone- I agree
Sara- okay kids let's go! *she calls from the front door*
Mini- is there going to be enough room in the car for us all?
Max- it is a seven seater it's basically a people carrier *he laughs*
*they all jump in the car and head to the hospital*

Delinquent (A Max and Harvey Fanfic) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin