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Max's PoV (ooo new PoV and there hasn't been one in a while)
I woke up and there was smoke and dust everywhere I couldn't see my hands in front of my face it was that bad. I called out for Harvey and Rose and the rest of my friends. No answer. Did I literally drop asleep where I was standing and fall straight into a nightmare? What the fuck is going on? I frantically rummage around in the rubble to see if I can find anyone that I was stood in that circle with the ceiling has all caved in and I'm calling out more and more and I'm still not getting any answers. My ears are still ringing but it's starting to subside a little. I'm just starting to fear the worst when I hear someone call my name. Is that Harvey? I rush over the where the voice is coming from and frantically move bits of rubble and stone that I didn't even know I had enough strength to move. Then I saw him his face bloody and his hair all dusty.
Max- pass me your hand *she shouts while reaching down to his brother*
Harvey- okay but if I'm stuck you're gonna have to leave me and find the others
Max- there's not a chance that I'm leaving you here! *he gives one almighty tug and his brother lifts up from the rubble and is finally with him. Max observes his brothers injuries which don't seem too bad he just needs to get them checked because of his head*
Harvey- Max stop fussing about me what about you? Have you even paid any attention to your injuries? Or hasn't the adrenaline worn off yet?
Max- I feel fine
Harvey- well you don't look fine. Your head is pouring with blood. More than mine. Your leg is cut open and your bleeding from your left side *he gestures to the huge rip in Max's uniform and the blood coming out of it*
Max- oh I didn't realise. I was so focused on finding you guys that I wasn't in the slightest worried about myself. But nevertheless we need to find the others and you won't be able to do it alone. I'm not loosing a lot of blood I will be fine *he smiles*
Harvey- okay but if you get any worse then I'm finding them on my own
*they start moving the rubble and calling out to their friends. The blast could have thrown them anywhere in the food hall so they had to be careful where they were standing and where they were looking just in case they missed something. No one else was around it was like a ghost town. If the blast had blown up the whole building then everyone else must be stuck too. They needed to find the source of the explosion and get everyone out as soon as possible Judy in case it happened again. They were calling out and looking for 5 minuets when they heard someone shout one of their names. It was mini. Both boys rushed over to the voice and pulled her out of the rubble. She has cuts on everywhere visible on her body and a huge gash on her forehead which is pouring blood*
Harvey- here *he says taking his over shirt off so that he's only in his grey one and using it to clean the blood and the dirt from around the cut on her forehead* it doesn't look too bad now but if you get dizzy you have to tell us and we will look by ourselves and keep checking on you
Mini- I feel fine as of now I'm sure it's nothing though I just knocked my head. We have to find the others they could be suffocating underneath all this shit
*All 3 of them start looking all calling out the others names when mini walks to the doorway and sees that the whole building is in tatters it's all been blown up. Some people are outside with guards. The councillor is nowhere to be seen and half the population of the delinquents centre is missing she calls the boys over to look at what she's seeing they're both shocked and worried which makes them work faster to find their friends so that they can help find everyone else finally they have found Olivia and Jared who both had head injuries and Olivia had a broken arm and Jared had a broken rib. The only person they couldn't find was Rose*
Max- has anyone seen or heard Rose? Because we've been looking for like half an hour for everyone and we haven't heard her shout once or seen her while we've been looking and I'm starting to fear the worst
Mini- *touches Max's shoulder* she's a fighter don't worry she won't be dead. Let's keep looking maybe we will find her over there *she points to somewhere they hadn't thoroughly checked*
*olivia walks over and lifts up a huge but reasonably light slab of something and Rose is there unconscious*
Olivia- guys over here! *she shouts frantically*
*everyone rushes over and starts to pull Rose out of the rubble they finally manage to get her out they lay her on the floor and check to see if she's still alive*
Harvey- *kneels down and presses his ear to her chest and then close to her mouth* she's still breathing but it's faint *he checks her pulse* that's faint too we need to get her out of here
Jared- but we also need to find the others. You know the other inmates that live in this building? We need to split up. We will help the girls get out and then we will go and look for the others. Besides the girls are a lot more injured than us. I mean Mini's head has started pouring with blood again she's just been wiping it away and not telling anyone. I'm sorry mini but it had to be said.
Max- okay we will help the girls get out and we will go and look for the rest of the inmates if they're still alive
Harvey- Max you can't say that "if they're still alive"
Max- what? I didn't even think you guys were alive because non of you were calling out to me. Anyway we can't argue we need to get Rose out of here *he says picking Rose up gesturing for the others to follow him and he leads them to the set of doors that they usually go out of he hands the Rose to the girls Mini grabbed her legs and Olivia grabbed her arms and legs both gently they say their goodbyes and walk over to the guards who rush over to their aid*

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