part 39

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(Billie's Pov)

I flushed the toilet and went to brush my teeth... again

I keep throwing up and I don't know why, i didn't even have alcohol at the welcome home party yesterday. Maybe I caught a bug or something

"ugh" i groaned climbing back into bed

"you okay? you keep throwing up" Dylan asked

"i'm not sure what's up" i sighed hiding under my blanket

"you're not pregnant are you" he laughed

"bitch you use condoms" i rolled my eyes

I cant be pregnant, he uses condoms so that's literally impossible. I mean yeah my period is 2 weeks late but that happens right?

I ran back into the bathroom, locking the door and opened all the drawers to finally find what I was looking for

a pregnancy test

I keep them for safe keeping you know? just in case

I carefully peed on the stick and set it aside as I waited on the bathroom floor, my back against the door and tears streaming down my cheeks

"babe i'm going to work now" Dylan shouted "i love you" and then I heard the door close

I jumped as my 3 minute timer on my phone went off

Do I really want to look at the results? Fuck no

But I cant be pregnant

I shakily reached for the stick and my heart dropped as two little red lines lay there

No it's not true

I cant be pregnant

What the fuck do I do? It's not possible it can't be

I did what a pregnant person would do, phone to have an ultrasound


I nervously waited in the room ready to be called. I decided to have a private one as I am literally the Billie Eilish

"Billie" the midwife smiled

"that's me" i forced out and she led me to the bed

"this may be cold" she smiled before putting on the gel

"shit yeah" i laughed as my whole body got goose bumps

My heart was pounding as she put the small device on my stomach, moving around and watching the screen

"there's a little heart beat, congratulations" she beamed

"h-how many weeks" i croaked trying not to have a bread down

"about 6" she smiled

6? But that's not possible! Dylan uses condoms and I haven't slept with-

Oh no no no no please no, 6 weeks ago was when Trig phoned me when she was in Arshtar, he must've taken it off before he forced himself in me


i see some of you are mad at billie for saying it wasn't rape

we will get to that eventually but for now, she doesn't want to believe he raped her

Still In The Dark | BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now