part 62

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(Billie's Pov)

Our baby is healthy. Enzo is healthy. We're on our way home

"how do you think the dogs will react" I asked Trig

"ghost is gona be protective as fuck" she laughed pulling into the driveway

"look at him" I gestured to enzo sleeping

"fuck i'm gona cry again" Trig pouted

She got out the car and helped me out as I was still a little sore. She then grabbed Enzo's car seat and unlocked the front door

"ah back no" she said to the dogs as they tried to jump up

Trig helped walk me into the living room where we sat on the sofa and I took Enzo out his seat

"stay" Trig said seriously to the dogs

"phantom come slowly" I said holding Enzo in my arms

Phantom carefully walked up to us as Ghost whined getting impatient wanting a turn. Phantom carefully sniffed enzo

"gentle" Trig said and he gently licked the top of enzo's head

"good boy" i smiled giving him a pet "go back"

"Ghost" Trig said and he wagged his tail "come here"

Ghost jumped up


I laughed as he slowed down and made a little grunt. He did the same as Phantom and sniffed Enzo giving him a few licks.

"my parents and claudia and fin are gona be here in 2 hours" i yawned

"you need to get some sleep"

"you gona be okay with enzo?"

"of course i am just go rest yeah?" she took enzo out of my arms and gave me a kiss

"okay" i kissed her back


I woke up hearing the door bell. Already? I thought to myself and went to go open it.

"where is he" the all squealed making me laugh

I led them into the living room only to see Trig sleeping with Enzo sleeping on top of her chest

"that is the cutest thing" i said and grabbed my phone to take a picture

"so much for hard and bad Trig" Claudia laughed

"i am bad" Trig mumbled half asleep "but how can i not be soft to this one?"

She carefully sat up and Enzo started crying as he woke up

"someone's hungry" i groaned and took him from Trig to go feed him

I hadn't prepared any milk so I just let him match his mouth onto my boobs to feed

I walked into the room and everyone was impatient and wanted to hold him already

They all cooed to Enzo as they held him.

"you done good" Trig whispered in my ear

"yeah?" i smirked and leant in to kiss her

I smiled against Trigs lips as Finneas started to fake gag at us dramatically so I tried to pull away from Trig but she only kissed me harder and put up her middle finger towards Fin. I desperately tried to reach for her arm but could only laugh against her lips


i want a baby

Still In The Dark | BILLIE EILISHDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora