part 48

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(Billie's Pov)

"trig we need to get go-" i yelled cutting myself of to see her asleep with Phantom on her chest "i literally left you two for 20 minutes" i chuckled to myself

Trig has been shutting everyone out apart from the dogs. Like she did with Nitro. She thinks she's going insane but i really don't think she is. I mean months of torture and killing has gotta leave some trauma and side effects.... right?

"stop looking at me like that" i said to Ghost as he was giving me a 'oo you jealous' look

Ghost has been following me around a lot whenever I'm round Bricker's which is basically every day. It's cute how dogs know when you're pregnant

"i aint jealous" i scoffed

I am.

"trig" i whispered stroking a bit of her hair

"mm" she hummed

"you gotta wake up for me"

"why" she groaned still half asleep

"we're going out" i took my hand out of her hair

"no" she dragged out in a croaky voice "im not going out and put your hand back in my hair... please" Phantom decided to wake up too and jump off her

"5 more minutes but we gotta go" i sighed and started to stroke her hair again

"wait where we going"

"well i was gona take you to come for my check up on the baby"

"OH MY GOD" she shot up "hurry!" she yelled as if she wasn't asleep 2 seconds ago


"billie" my name was called and Trig almost sprinted dragging me along

I've never seen her this excited

The doctor placed the cold gel on my stomach and I quickly gained goosebumps at the cold touch. I began to get nervous, what if the baby died? I mean it's early on so it's possible as we are only coming up to 10 weeks

Trig sensed my anxious self and laced our fingers together giving me all the reassurance I needed. As the doctor placed the device on my stomach and started moving it around I gazed in awe as Trig's eyes lit up at the faint figure and beating heart beat.

"if you look here you can see it's ears are starting to form" the doctor smiled

"so it can hear us?" Trig asked

"it's only starting to form but sometimes it can as the inside could already be formed" the doctor said

Seeing Trig excited over the baby really makes me feel some type of way.


"you should really go back home at some point" Trig said getting into bed

"i told you i'm not leaving you when you're like this" i said softly

"like what?"

"trying to push everyone away" i sighed

Trig didn't say anything for a while. To be honest I thought she fell asleep.

"can i?" she whispered

"can you what?" i turned to face her

She carefully placed her hand over my stomach where the baby should be

"can i talk to it?" she asked

"yeah?" i smiled at how cute she was being and moved onto my back

Trig then got up so she was closer to my stomach and hovered over it. I giggled as she traced over my very small bump that was hardly noticeable. She then put her ear to my stomach and came back up

"there's a baby in there" she said with excitement in her eyes

"i know" i giggled

She put her arm on my stomach and lay her head on her arm being careful not to put to much pressure which melted my heart

I began to stroke her hair which made her relax even more if that was even possible

"hi little one" she whispered "when it's your time to come out i'm gona protect you with all my life, i promise you that, you better not be a little shit in there- I MEAN" she coughed making me laugh "just grow nicely yeah? don't cause you're mother too much pain" she continued to talk whilst tracing her finger "i already done that" she mumbled

It broke my heart hearing that last part. I really hope she doesn't think that. I was the one who fucked up, not her.


Trig really is just a big softy

Still In The Dark | BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now