part 47

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(Trig's Pov)

"no where to hide now Trig" Cobra hissed

"why are you doing this too me" i yelled "WHERES BILLIE"

"billie?" he laughed "why don't you take a look?"

he moved aside and there lay Billie in a pool of her own blood. Her stomach was sliced open, her and her baby were dead. I was too weak to save them.

"sweet dreams Trig" Cobra growled


I woke up sweating like crazy and out of breath. I cant breathe. It was a fucking dream.

"Trig it's okay" I heard a familiar voice say softly

I then felt familiar hands pull me closer. Billie's.

"he's not here, you're safe" she kissed my forehead and I slowly let myself sink into her arms

"why hasn't he taken me yet" I cried

"because he won't"

"you don't know that"

"what happened in your dream trig"

"he killed you and the baby"

I've been out of hospital for 4 days and every day since I overdosed I've been having dreams about Cobra. I hate him. He fucked up my life but most importantly he fucked up Billie's

No we aren't together or friends with benefits. Billie has just been there for me because she's worried about me. She doesn't want me to purposely overdose myself and she knows about my dreams. Mainly because I wake her up.

On the bright side, Ghost is actually a really fast learner and already knows when to bite someone and when not too. He also knows how to sense danger but most dogs do that anyway. Phantom has just started basic training so i'm not expecting too much

"i don't want to sleep" i mumbled into Billie's chest

"it's about 8am anyway c'mon" she shot up and dragged me out of bed

As soon as she left the room I collapsed back into bed. The fuck she think I am getting up at 8. After a few minutes I dragged myself into the bathroom as I was now too awake to stay in bed

"shit sorry" i screamed not realising billie was in there without a top on leaving her in her bra

"not like you haven't seen it before" she laughed

"i know i'm being.. respectful" i rolled my eyes playfully "shit you're starting to show" my eyes lit up and the small bump on her

"donttttt you're making me insecure" she whined

"why? it's beautiful you're beautiful" i smiled causing her to blush "and i love your blush" i teased

"fuck off you can go now"

"yeah yeah i am" i laughed closing the door behind me


"what are you doing" i asked Billie as she was typing away on her laptop

"you have nothing to worry about" she smiled at me "cobra is dead"

"what do you mean.."

"here" she pat down a space beside her and showed me the screen

She had basically emailed her lawer and shit about the case that happened those two years ago and it was true Cobra is dead. There's no possible way for him to be alive because they had his body in a morgue for some time.

"but that doesn't make sense... who the fuck was that girl?"

"let's got speak to the owner of the shop"

So that's what we did. Honestly thought it would be harder to get hold of the cctv footage but turns out the owner is a massive billie eilish fan and let us look at it

"there" i pointed at myself on the screen as we finally found the time it had happened

"holy shit" i mumbled to myself

There was no girl. No Cobra. No girl.

"i'm going crazy" i looked at Billie as i had tears in my eyes

I was literally talking to myself. Does this mean that Billie isn't real right now? Did I even kill Dylan? Is my whole life one fucking lie?


Oh shit.

Still In The Dark | BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now