Dead or Alive ?

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Dee had the gun aimed on his Dad but Jaylon was still in the way . Out of no where I just heard a gunshot . I ducked for a little while hoping I'd get up and that bullet didn't hit Jaylon . When I finally got up I was shaking and my stomach felt so tight . Mom had a gun in her hand but so did Dee . Jaylon was on the ground with his dad . I ran over quick but the bullet didn't hit Jaylon . It was his Dad . He'd been hit in his lower chest . Jaylon was just holding him . Nobody said anything for a while . I didn't know who shot him . Was it Mom or was it Dee ? Mom yelled and told everybody to go upstairs and clean off . I got in the tub because I couldn't stand having another man's blood on me . Even in the tub I was still shaking . I'd never heard a gunshot before or seen a man shot . It was so much blood and it was dripping so fast everywhere . When I got out the tub Jaylon was laying on the bed staring at the ceiling with blood on his shirt . Dee was pacing back and forth non stop . All of a sudden Jaylon got up in a hurry .

Jaylon : Dee stop that shit man ! You making me nervous
Dee : Bra did I shoot him did I shoot Dad
Jaylon : You killed before what's different now
Dee : How are you not worried
Jaylon : Did you hear what he was saying
Jaylon : HE HIT MOM !
Jaylon : And these last past days he ain't been there for me so I ain't tripping
Jaylon : *lays back down* He should've never hit her
Mom : Nobody did anything because I did it
Mom : I shot him he was tearing this family apart
Mom : This wasn't the only time he'd been acting like this , letting business slip , getting more dirty , fooling around on me and he always preaching about loyalty

From the way Mom was talking she'd been had a grudge against Jaylon's dad . She said she'd drove him to the hospital but the doctors told her he was dead already when they arrived . I went to lay down with Jaylon . I didn't need any more stress than I already had on me . I knew Jaylon wasn't showing it now but he needed some comfort . The next morning I go down to the living room and everything's clean . Just the way it was . The carpet that was in the floor was pulled up of course but it didn't even look like somebody had been shot in here . Everything was just so weird though . It felt like somebody was watching me . Not in a from heaven kind of way but from outside a window or on a camera or something . I let it go because I thought maybe that's just the drama from last night talking . Jaylon was still asleep and I didn't wanna wake him because he looked so peaceful . I wanted to start shopping for the twins . Just a little light shopping because I didn't want Jaylon to be mad he couldn't help . I got the car keys and left . This was the first time in a while i'd been out by myself without Jaylon . It felt weird but it was something I could get use too . When I got to the mall I immediately went in all the designer stores , shoe stores and the food court . I'd bought a lot of socks and mittens , onesies , two pair of shoes each , and got some pizza at the food court . I knew I said i'd do some light shopping but the excitement you get when shopping for your baby is just another great feeling . While I was leaving the mall I noticed this guy in all black again . I'd seen him by the kids footlocker and i'd seen him by the baby gap store . I didn't want to assume he was following me but why did I keep seeing him ? I fast walked to my car and hurried and put the bags in the trunk . If I was feeling followed I wasn't going straight home . The dude in all black didn't come out when I did so I stopped panicking . After I drove off I seen a Walmart and noticed I had bought all these clothes and thought well my babies need to eat and need diapers . I went in Walmart and got wipes , pacifiers , pampers , some baby toys and formula . Breast feeding wasn't a option for me . Then I hurried home . I had been gone for more than a hour I knew Jaylon was worried . I didn't notice I left my phone at home till I was in the mall and looking for the food court place . As i'm coming trough the front gate to go into the garage I see a man in black sneaking around the house . I had to hurry up and get in the house to check on Jaylon . I didn't even get my bags out of the car I ran straight for the door that leads to the house from the garage . When I got in the house I screamed Jaylon's name . Surprisingly he was still sleep . When he got up he rushed downstairs .

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