Chapter 1: A Missing Demigod

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If you're reading this, it means I finally finished Altered Destinies. And now, I've decided to at least attempt to do the second book Intertwined Destinies. I figured 20 more chapters was pretty doable.
I don't want to take the same 5 years it took me to write it and this time around it's going to work a tad bit different. I've realized that keeping track of everyone who is there is hard and can get confusing and often times I forget people are even there (hence why they rarely have interactions) this time I'm going to stick with a simpler roster to remember and there probably won't be sporadic additions and there also won't be breaks, I'll just do the twenty chapters and then call it a day.

There also won't be dedicated narrators like "Percy started to read" or anything like that. You'll see how it works. Anyways, without further ado let's begin Gods and Demigods read Intertwined Destinies. But first, here's the roster of people who will at least start out being here in this story:

All the Olympian gods (including Hades and Hestia)

















I do want to keep the roster pretty small because honestly I forget about the others very quickly and it's better to keep it smaller imo than just have people pop up like whack a mole randomly. The Olympians will remember what happened in the previous book.

The TLDR; Athena and Theseus are rekindling their old relationship a little bit. Dionysus is kinda trying to work on character development along with Ares, Percy and Zoe are engaged, Achilles hinted at being kinda gay with Odysseus, and that's pretty much all the important things to know from the previous story.

Anyways, hope you all enjoy this. I didn't really plan on doing this, but I guess things change. I will say some time has passed between the reading of Altered Destinies and Intertwined Destinies, but I won't say how long as it will be revealed during the reading.

Just know that there was an amount of time that has passed so that the characters all know a bit more and they also have their relationships developed a bit or at least to some degree like Jason and Annabeth.

Also we're just gonna pretend like some of the Roman children just weren't in the first book given how little they appeared in it anyways cuz I forgot I had included them. We're gonna pretend the only ones there were Leo and Jason.

This story like Queen's Champion and Altered Destinies were written originally by Anaklusmos14.

Percy, Zoe, Annabeth, Thalia, Nico, Bianca, Hazel, Frank, Nico, Piper, Jason, Leo, Reyna, Theseus, Diana, and Achilles found themselves standing in the throne room where they were surrounded by all of the gods.

"Back already?" Poseidon asked.

"I guess so," Percy said.

"What is going on?" Hazel asked.

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