Chapter 2: Long Lost Siblings and The Son of Pluto

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/Chapter 2: Long Lost Siblings and The Son of Pluto

When Zoe made her way back to camp, she made a bee-line for the big house in search of Chiron and Jason. When she arrived, she found Annabeth and Jason having a discussion with Chiron about the Greek gods which Jason seemed to be having a hard time grasping.

She cleared her throat to draw the attention of everyone in the room as she walked in.

"Zoe, what can I do for you?" Chiron asked a little surprised.

Zoe paused for a second as she wasn't sure how she should explain the situation to Chiron. Eventually she decided the truth would be best as long as she left out details about Percy.

"Lady Artemis contacted me." She explained slowly.

Annabeth's and Chiron's eyes widened at her words.

"Did she say anything about Percy?" Annabeth asked hopefully.

Zoe hesitated for a minute, disliking having to lie to one of her best friends in camp, "Not really. She said she didn't know where he was but that Jason and the quest he must take are the key to finding him."/

"I don't know if I really want to be the key to anything," Jason said.

"Yeah, doesn't seem to be a good thing," Piper said.

"Believe me, it's not a good thing," Percy said.

/Jason looked at the former huntress confused, "What do you mean? I really don't know who this Percy guy is. I really don't see how I can be the key to finding him."

Zoe shook her head, "She said Hera has been captured. Jason must be the one to ask for a quest to rescue her and that I would find my way to Percy on the quest."

At the mention of Hera being captured, Chiron and Annabeth paled a bit.

"Then we must send him to the hunters. Did Lady Artemis inform you of their current location?" Chiron asked.

Zoe nodded, "They will arrive by morning and Jason must be the one to seek the quest from the oracle."/

"At least you don't have to talk to the dead mummy corpse," Percy said.

/Chiron nodded while Jason just looked confused, "The hunters? The oracle?"

Annabeth shook her head, "Come on Jason, I will show you to your cabin and explain about it on the way."

Jason just nodded numbly and allowed Annabeth to lead him outside while Zoe stayed back to speak to Chiron. Once the other two were gone, Chiron sighed loudly, "There is more to it, isn't there?"/

"A lot more to it," Zoe said.

/Zoe gave the old centaur a small smile at his attentiveness, "Yes Chiron there is. I know where Percy is but you must keep this information to yourself."

Chiron nodded slowly, "Of course my dear, anything you tell me will be kept in confidence."

"That Jason boy speaks of the Roman gods instead of the Greeks, correct?" Zoe said slowly.

Chiron nodded still confused until his eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, "No! They wouldn't do that would they?"/

"They did, so yeah they would," Zoe said.

/Zoe nodded slowly, "I'm not sure why, but they have exchanged Jason and Percy. Percy is being brought to Lupa as we speak."

Chiron's horse-half shuffled a bit nervously, "But why? They can't possibly be doing what I think their doing."

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