the prank but make it even spicier

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When Elle, James, and Peter got wind of what Sirius was doing, they freaked out. They ran towards the Whomping Willow, hoping they were in time.

They could hear Snape's yell as they made it to the tunnel, and the roar of the werewolf.

As they stepped into the hallway by the Shrieking Shack, they saw it. Remus as a werewolf, towering over Snape. Sirius in the doorway, realizing what he had done.

James and Elle shifted into their Animagus forms, as Peter had not been able to do it yet. Without thinking, Elle began to bark at Remus in her golden retriever form.

James wanted to stop her, but couldn't say anything in his deer form.

Elle continued to bark at Remus, distracting him from Snape, who was able to run away towards the door.

Remus glared down at her, and Elle's eyes went wide.

Remus reached his paw up, knocking her down onto the ground and scratching across Elle's face and chest, causing her to whine in agony.

She fell to the floor, and Remus towered over her, leaning down to bite her.

He was distracted when Peter threw a rock to the other side of the Shrieking Shack.

She managed to stand up and limp over to the doorway, and ran out of the tunnel with James, Snape, Sirius, and Peter.

Once they made it outside and past the Whomping Willow, they realized Dumbledore and McGonagall were waiting.

Elle shifted back into her human form, collapsing on the ground in pain.

Everyone gasped at the state she was in; face and chest covered in blood with huge scratches, tears streaming down her bloody face.

"Oh my God," Sirius gasped. His eyes widened and he realized it was all his fault.

"Elle!" James shouted, kneeling by her side.

McGonagall's jaw dropped, and she turned to James. "Potter, Pettigrew, take Elle to the hospital wing. If anyone asks, she got attacked in the Forbidden Forest."

James and Peter nodded, hoisting Elle to her feet. She cried out in pain, nearly falling to the ground again.

James' eyes filled with tears. "Ellie, come on. We've got to get you to the castle."

James looked up at Sirius through his tears, who stared at Elle with a regretful expression. "I can help-"

"No," James said sternly before McGonagall could even speak. "No. It's fine. We can take her, Sirius."

"Besides, we need to talk to you and Severus," McGonagall said.

James and Peter started helping Elle to the castle, having to stop every once in a while when Elle cried out in agony.

They helped her to the hospital wing, where everyone there turned to them with horrified expressions.

They set her down in a bed, and Madam Pomfrey ran over to them.

"Is that- Ellie?" Lily asked, as she was in the hospital wing visiting one of her friends. James nodded, wiping the worried tears from his eyes. 

"What happened to her?" Madam Pomfrey asked, a horrified expression on her face.

"She went into the Forbidden Forest on accident," James said, scratching the back of his head nervously.

"That doesn't sound like Elle," Lily said, confused.

James shot her a look that said, "We'll explain later."

"Time for all visitors to leave!" Madam Pomfrey said, her voice panicked as she did her best to tend to Elle's wounds.

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