7: Going Home

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"Rosie, I want you to tell me if you want to stay at school or go home. Which one makes you happier?" Remus asked his daughter.

"H-home," Rosie said.

Fred and Draco looked down sadly, knowing Rosie wouldn't be at school anymore. Fred and George had already planned to leave after Christmas to open their joke shop. Draco was unfortunately caught up in Voldemort's plan, no matter how much he didn't want to be.

Remus nodded, picking up his daughter and quietly brought her to her dorm. Rosie packed her things and Remus shrunk them to put them in his pocket.

Rosie was confused why everyone was upset, she only wanted to go home. Well home was still Grimmauld Place. The Weasley's were still living there, however they were building the Burrow back.

Rosie told all of her friends goodbye and Fred hugged her tight. He had tears in his eyes, which Rosie wiped.

"Why Bear crying?" Rosie asked.

"Im going to miss you, love," Fred sighed.

"Don't worry, Bear! I'll write everyday, and draw you a picture!" Rosie giggled, still not fully understanding why Fred was so upset.

Fred kissed her goodbye, and watched her leave with Remus. He ignored everyone in the common room, giving him looks of Pity, and headed to his dorm. He didn't speak to anyone for the next week, but Rosie did hold up her promise to write him and draw him a picture everyday.

Fred never shared the letters or drawings with anyone, he kept them in his pocket and read them over and over and over again.

George was getting worried about his twin, he was not himself anymore. He knew Rosie didn't mean to make him hurt, Fred knew as well, but they also didn't know how much leaving Hogwarts was affecting Rosie.

Rosie has had more meltdowns in the past week than she has in over a year. Remus and Tonks were worrying about Rosie, who has been bandaged, stitched, and wrapped more times than they could count.

The meltdowns included biting, scratching, and hitting, making the parents overwhelmed. Rosie was going to her doctor today, Remus forced her to wear jeans and a long sleeve shirt to try and stop the injuries. Rosie was actually asleep in the waiting room, she had another meltdown in the car, kicking and screaming, and trying to unbuckle her safety seatbelt.

Rosie refused to verbally speak, her doctor had explained this as selective mutism. She will talk when she wants. Ever since she realized she couldn't see Fred, she only signed and wrote letters to Fred.

The doctor explained since her and Fred were so close, the frustration of being away from him could be causing her meltdowns. He said that even though she knows why she isn't able to see him, she can't understand her emotions, therefore becoming frustrated.

The doctor suggested something called chewlery, it's necklaces that kids with autism who bite use.

Remus and Tonks bought some, and worked with Rosie on biting the necklace and not her arms or hands.

Hi my love, I miss you.
I hope you're doing well, I heard you've been having a hard time.
So am I. I miss you so much, and all I want is a hug, to cuddle you, listen to you talk about your favorite things. I miss your voice, your laugh, your smiles.
Bear x

Hi! I miss you, too!
I've been frustrated, I have lots of owies on my arms.
I want a hug, and cuddles, and kisses!
I miss your voice and laugh and smile too! I miss you singing to me when I get sad.
Rosie x

"Daddy, can you take a picture of me to send to Freddie?" Rosie asked after writing her letter.

"Of course, love! How about we take one of you, then you and Teddy!" Remus suggested. Rosie nodded and smiled.

Remus went to go get the Polaroid and Rosie waited. She started drawing a picture for Fred, so Remus took a picture of the girl, concentrated on her drawing of a bear holding a rose. Rosie giggled when she saw the picture and finished her drawing, holding it up and smiling, she didn't look at the camera but that was okay.

Next, Remus told her to go sit on the couch, next to Tonks and he will take a picture. Tonks gave Rosie her little brother to hold, and Remus took a picture.

Remus sealed the envelope with the pictures in it and sent it off with his owl.

Rosie was happy and played with Teddy for a little while before getting bored.

Fred was distracted by tapping on his dorm window. He opened it, seeing Remus's owl and smiled to himself. He opened the envelope and opened the letter, pictures fell onto his lap. He smiled at the pictures of Rosie, and read the letter. He was upset that we wasn't there to help her cope. He read the part about her "owies" and looked at the picture better, seeing the many bandages on her arms.

"Is it from Rosie Posie?" George asked, sitting next to his twin.

Fred nodded and gave him the letter to read as he stared at the picture. His eyes filled with tears, he missed Rosie so much. George heard the sniffle and hugged Fred. Fred couldn't contain himself anymore and broke down in his brother's arms.

To many, this may seem like an overreaction, but to Fred it felt like eternity was passing. He was so used to seeing Rosie every single day, being able to keep her calm and grounded, but seeing the pictures of her bandaged arms hurt. He knew Remus and Tonks were doing their best, but it still made him want to be there to protect her instead.

He promised his mum he would stay until Christmas, but he wasn't sure how long he would last without Rosie by his side. To be honest, George wasn't sure how long Fred could last before he broke.

"H-her arms, Ge-Georgie..." Fred sobbed, giving George the photo.

George's heart broke seeing the smiling girl with bandages.

"She will be okay, Freddie. She's just having a hard time without you, just like you. Rosie just... just can't understand her emotions the same way," George said to his twin.

George had never seen Fred like this. Vulnerable, defeated, depressed. Fred always held his head up high, no matter what he was feeling.

Fred fell asleep after some time crying, he was clutching the drawing Rosie made him, his eyes puffy, cheeks blotchy, tear stains on his cheeks. George left his brother in their dorm to sleep. He sat in the common room, head in his hands, thinking of what he could do.

"Where's the other half?" Lee asked chucking at the twin alone.

"Sleeping. Lee, he's not doing well," George sighed.

"We have all noticed, George. Maybe we can ask if Rosie can come visit this weekend," Lee suggested. George smiled at his best friend and nodded.

"Lee, you're a genius!" George jumped up and playfully kissed his best friend on the forehead and ran to McGonagall to ask.

Rosie ate her dinner, she waited for a reply to come back. Remus walked into the dining room with a letter and read it.

"George wants to know if you can come visit this weekend, it would be a surprise for Fred?" Remus smiled.

Rosie flapped her hands and squeaked happily, "yes!"

"Okay, love, but you can't tell Fred!" Remus said.

"Don't tell Bear," Rosie repeated before happily going back to her dinner.

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