4: Storms

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A few months later, Rosie woke up to her alarm clock at exactly 7:45 in the morning. Unfortunately it was stormy today, which mean Rosie would be having a hard day again.

The Order decided to keep the kids home and not go to Hogwarts until some things were sorted as for their safety.

Rosie was in child's pose with her head under a pillow when Remus walked into her room.

Rosie had her hands over her ears when Remus picked her up and brought her to the living room. He turned on the tv and gave her her crayons and coloring books and pancakes. She sat on the floor, by the coffee table and was distracted by her favorite cartoon.

Tonks woke up a little later and stopped by Rosie to tell her good morning, and let her have her daily conversation with her belly. Tonks was due any day now, making her and Remus nervous.

"I can't wait to see you, Teddy," Rosie giggled and then turned back to her cartoon.

Tonks kissed the top of Rosie's head and went to get breakfast.

Rosie finished her pancakes, and waited for the episode to end before picking up her plate.

About an hour later, Fred was doing some crafts with Rosie when Remus ran to Rosie.

"Rosie, Mrs. Weasley is going to watch over you for the day. Your baby brother is ready to be born. But you need to stay here until we give the note that we can have visitors, okay?" Remus was nervously telling his daughter that her step mother was in labor and would be having Teddy soon.

"Love you, dad," Rosie smiled and kissed his cheek.

Remus looked at Fred, who nodded, and went upstairs to apparated with Tonks to St. Mundo's.

"Brother," Rosie smiled and looked at her art she had made. She giggled and picked up her art in one hand, and grabbed Fred's hand in the other. She pulled him to the crib that Teddy would be in. The crib was in her parent's room.

Rosie climbed on a chair and hung the little airplane above his crib.

Fred helped Rosie down and kissed her cheek, "I think Teddy will love his airplane," Fred smiled at Rosie.

Rosie smiled and giggled.

Rosie went downstairs to clean up her mess and put away her supplies. Rosie squeaked and her eyes started to water.

"What happened, love?" Fred asked.

Rosie showed him her paper cut and cried. Fred brought her over to the sink and ran some cold water over her finger. Rosie kept her eyes shut, she didn't want to look at him.

Fred picked her up and put her on the counter and got a bandaid. He put it on her finger and kissed it.

"Better?" Fred asked and smiled at his girlfriend. She nodded and smiled.

Fred wiped the tears that had fallen and kissed her before putting away the box of bandaids.

Rosie giggled happily and asked for another kiss. Fred happily gave her another one, and then four more after she asked for them.

Rosie giggled and made her happy flappys after each one.

A few hours later, Molly received news that Teddy had arrived and they were ready for visitors.

They used the floo network to go to the hospital and the visitor pin Rosie got was pink and said "Big Sister" on it. Rosie giggled at her pin and the nurse led them to Tonks's room. Rosie was let in first.

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