5: Check ups & School

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Three months later, July 1995

Remus had to wake up Rosie, knowing she wouldn't be very happy today. Rosie had to go to the doctor for a check up, and Teddy had to get his shots today.

"Rosie, we have to go to the doctor, get up please," Remus sighed, Rosie was being stubborn today. He started to play her song and Rosie popped her head up with a smile.

"I'll give you two chocolate frogs if you are good at the doctor," Remus smiled and bribed his almost 18 year old.

Rosie jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom to get ready.

"Bear come?" Rosie asked to Remus before he left her room.

"I'll ask," Remus laughed. Rosie was a bit clingy to Fred, not that Fred cared, but Remus and Tonks found it quite funny.

Rosie put on a baby pink skater style skirt and a white tank top with matching pink flowers on it. Rosie also put on some white converse. She was pretty good at dressing herself, but sometimes Remus laughs at her.

For example, yesterday Rosie insisted on wearing a sweater, shorts, and boots in 95° F weather.

Rosie put in a white headband and went downstairs to watch tv. It was a show Rosie didn't really like, so when Remus said it was time to go, she didn't care.

Fred did agree to go with Rosie, and the five of them used the floo network to go to the pediatric doctor.

Rosie played with the puzzle toys in the waiting room with Fred, and when they were called, Rosie was not having it.

She screamed and cried until Fred hugged her. He promised her lots of cuddles when she was done. Rosie looked at her boyfriend and smiled excited for cuddles.

She sat on the table, with baby Teddy in his carrier. Rosie played with her baby brother while they waited for the doctor.

"Teddy stinky," Rosie said, holding her nose.

"Of course," Tonks laughed and got out Teddy's diaper bag.

'Can I help?' Rosie signed.

Tonks nodded and handed Rosie the clean nappy and cleaned up Teddy, throwing the dirty one away.

Rosie carefully put the clean nappy on Teddy when the doctor came in.

"Rosie, you must be the best big sister!" The doctor said, walking into the room and setting her clip board down.

Rosie giggled and smiled proudly.

"Who is this?" Dr. Vance asked pointing to Fred.

"This is Rosie's boyfriend, she refused to come today unless he came with her," Remus laughed.

"Guilty," Fred smiled at the doctor.

"Rosie Ive got a big job for you today," Dr. Vance said smiling, "you have to make Teddy laugh while he gets his shots."

Rosie giggle and nodded. Rosie of course had her check up first. She had asked Remus and Tonks about her behavior lately and if anything changed or got better/worse.

Rosie started playing with Teddy again. The three month old giggled at his big sister and smiled.

Teddy didn't even cry when he got his shots, Rosie did a great job of distracting him.

After the appointment, Rosie got a sticker from her doctor. The Lupins plus Fred met up with the Weasley's, Hermione, and Harry for the kids to get their school supplies for Hogwarts. They had all receive letters the day before. Dumbledore even visited to understand why the kids didn't attend last year.

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