1 - first day

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I slammed my forehead against the window hoping that the accident in front of us would clear up soon. This was not apart of the plan! If I had factored in an accident on the freeway then we would have left the apartment earlier. And then I wouldn't be waiting here, in traffic, and missing my first day of school.

I had just transferred from community college to ULA. This was my first time in Southern California. I've lived in the Bay Area all my life and always wanted to move to Southern California. It seemed like the perfect getaway for me to start fresh. Away from home without having to cross the state line.

"Your phones ringing." My roommate Bianca announces, snapping me out of my inner thoughts as she grumpily sits behind the wheel of her 2012 Honda Civic. I rummage through my bag to find my phone buzzing at the bottom. "Hello?"

"Dude where are you? They've started taking attendance!"

I groan, praying I don't lose my spot in the class on the first day. "There was an accident. I don't know if I'll make it."

My cousin sighs at me over the phone, "Aw man, I'll see you later then."

"I'll let you know when I arrive." We hang up and I groan.

"Was that Caleb?" Bianca asks excitedly, not at all hiding her obvious crush. I chuckle lightly, "No it was Isaiah. I have Financial management with him this morning."

One of the other reasons why I choose this school, was the fact that my cousins go here. My twin cousins Isaiah and Caleb were like big brothers to me, even though I am older by a whole 7 days. They have been attending school here since their freshman year and I felt safer knowing I had some type of family on campus.

So now the three of us were Juniors at ULA. That is, if I ever make it to campus.

After what seems like forever traffic begins moving again. We both sigh in relief as the car starts moving. Thirty minutes later we were finally parking onto campus. "I'll be done at 3pm, let me know if you're riding back with me!" Bianca says as she rushes toward the campus. I call out an okay and look down at my phone, 11 am. I missed my first lecture entirely and my next one isn't until 11:30.

I call the twins to let them know that I have finally arrived and ask when they want to meet. We decide to meet up at 1pm, which seems to be our mutual free period. I open up google maps and head to the hall of my 11:30 lecture and enter the building. Every thing was so big here, larger than my former campus at least.

I took a seat in the middle and begin writing in my planner to pass time, plotting out my plans for the weeks to come. My planner was my most prized possession and I would be completely lost without it. It was as important to me as a diary is important to other girls.

The professor finally arrived and begin discussing class policies and such. I wrote everything that was to be noted in my planner and began writing in due dates for future assignments. Class was fairly shorter than the expected time and I decided to do some work to pass the time.

When 1pm finally arrives my cousins simultaneously greet me with a bone crushing hug. "Finally!" Isaiah exclaims as he punches my arm after we separate.

"Ow!" I cry out, before punching him back.

"Hey why are you hitting her?" Caleb exclaims as he hits Isaiah.

Although they are twins, Caleb and Isaiah are polar opposites. Makes sense since they are fraternal twins so they also look nothing alike. Caleb had big curly hair and thicker eyebrows, and Isaiah had low cut waves and lighter skin. They're both overprotective but Isaiah is loud and outgoing while Caleb is more quiet and reserved. They've always been this way, their personalities have hardly changed.

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