11 - midterms

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The semester felt like it was breezing through so quickly. It was already time for midterm season.

There was nothing I hated more than exams, especially the multiple-choice ones. It was like professors were constantly trying to trick me and I hated it.

The girls and I decided to have a study night, renting out a room in the library and bringing all of our books and notes to study.

As I'm trying to review my notes the loud sound of crunching could be heard across from me. I look up to see Kendra chomping away at a bag of chips.

I wait patiently for the crunching to stop, but it never does. Out of irritation, I throw my pencil directly at her, hitting her on the head.

"What was that for!"

"Your loud ass munching! Some of us are trying to concentrate." I exclaimed, motioning toward my textbooks.

She chuckles as she puts her chips down. "Fine, I guess I'll starve." She wipes her fingers before picking up her notebook.

Silence filled the room as we continued to study. I was reading, memorizing key terms, and writing important facts. Bianca could be seen doing the same, writing religiously in her notebook. Suddenly Kendra placed her book down, looking directly at Bianca and me.

"This is boring." She announces.

"It's not supposed to be fun." Bianca responds.

Kendra pushes her books away from her onto the table. "Yeah, but we can make it fun. Let's play some music or something! I feel like I'm going to fall asleep." She pulls out her phone before selecting a song.

Tori Kelly begins playing from the small speaker on her phone, making Bianca's ears perk up. The two begin singing along to some song that I hardly knew the lyrics of, making it impossible to concentrate.

"Guys!" I exclaim.

They begin laughing as Kendra pauses the song. "You need to relax Ami. Maybe you need Dominic to break your back in because you have been cranky lately."

I frown at her, "I told you I am not involved with Dominic!"

"Oh right, now it's Aaron." She says distastefully.

"And what's wrong with Aaron?" I ask with a raised brow.

She shrugs, "Nothing really. I just get bad vibes from him."

"So you prefer Dominic? The alleged drug dealing murderer?"

She shakes her head, "I've never gotten good vibes from Dominic, but I didn't get bad ones either. Aaron's vibe just feels weird, and it feels unnatural."

"I think Dominic seems nice," Bianca says from the corner, gaining looks from Kendra and me.

"Nice?" I scoff, "He's a fûcking asshole."

"Uh oh, what'd he do to you this time?" Kendra says resting her chin against her hand.

I sigh, recalling his rude statement. "The other day when we were driving back home I accused him of being jealous of Aaron and me. He responded by saying he can't be jealous because he already fucked me." Both girls gasp as I nod my head. "Still think he's nice?"

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