8 - birthday bash

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The rest of the week dragged on uneventfully. The highlight was my smoke session with Dominic. He was so much easier to be around when he wasn't being an asshole. But sadly every other time I saw him this week he gave me nothing but a cold shoulder.

I didn't understand him at all. I didn't understand boys at all. Aaron never called either, what was up with that? I refused to call him because he said he would call me but never did. Now I was going to have to face him at the twin's birthday party.

If I was being honest I wasn't looking forward to the party. Between school and work, I was just tired and not in the mood to socialize. I wanted to just stay home and relax but they would never let me live it down if I skipped out on their birthday.

"Ami are you ready!" A loud voice yells as I hear knocking on my door.

I sigh before opening, "Give me 5 more minutes."

Kendra sighs, "We're already late as is! You know parking sucks in their neighborhood." She complains as she grabs her purse. She was dressed in a snake print crop top and blue ripped jeans.

I chuckle before applying another layer of lip gloss and spraying perfume. I was wearing a cream halter top bodysuit and blue ripped jeans.

"Ladies hurry up!" I hear Kendra exclaim as she jingles her keys.

"Calm your tits I'm here." I chuckle as I enter the living room.

"Sorry guys!" Bianca exclaims as she rushes out of her room dressed in a cute t-shirt dress and sneakers.

We make our way outside to head down to the parking lot. As I exited the apartment, locking the door behind me, Dominic was coming up the stairs ahead of us.

We briefly made eye contact as we passed each other and instead of the cold shoulder, I got a momentary gaze. He looked me over before continuing to make his way to his door.

I rolled my eyes before doing the same, not saying a word as I made my way down the apartment steps.

The drive to the guys' house wasn't long considering they lived close by, but as we feared parking was horrendous. We ended up parking six houses down and having to walk the rest of the way.

"See why I wanted to get here earlier? I'm too pretty to be walking."

"Oh hush Ken it's not that bad."

"If you weren't making googly eyes at our neighbor maybe we would've gotten a better spot." She says jokingly.

"Are you still messing with Dominic?" Bianca asks suddenly.

My eyes widen, "Who said I was messing with him? Nothing going on."

She smirks as Kendra holds in her laughter. "I'm not dumb Ami. I used to hear you all the time. I'm always home. Plus, you were giggling with him outside last night."

I sighed, I had been caught. "Nothing's going on. He's weird." I state simply as we finally make it to the door. Both girls looked unconvinced but didn't push it as we entered the house.

The guys' place was a lot more crowded than usual. And that was saying a lot since it was usually a house full of college boys.

The house was full, with college students in every corner. People were sitting around talking, some dancing, and others playing games.

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