10 - application submission

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Two weeks had passed and it was finally time to submit my internship application. I had written my cover letter, updated my resume, and gotten the recommendation I needed from Professor Huggins to apply for the program.

Things had been going pretty well with Aaron and me so far. We've been hanging out more often and it felt nice. He was smooth with his words and had a way of making me always feel giggly.

I was excited as I made my way over to the Acme Corporation headquarters. There were many ways to submit the application, through mail, email, or in person. Professor Huggins recommended I do it in person if possible. This way I could ensure my application got in and had a chance of running into important decision makers.

I enter the corporate building in awe. It was so big and filled with people making their way to different destinations. I was dressed to fit the environment, wearing a cute button-up and slacks. I made my way to the front desk with an eager smile.

"Good morning." I said cheerfully as I greeted the woman.

She looks up at me with no expression on her face, "How can I help you?"

"I'm here to turn in an internship application for the business analytics program."

She lets out a sigh before typing into her computer. "Go to the 17th floor and turn it into the front desk there."

"Thank you so much."

She doesn't respond as I turn around and head toward the elevator. I got inside and several people followed after me. We were so close, shoulder to shoulder as we made our way up to the floors.

It was constant on and off until everyone got off at floor 15, finally leaving me alone. Just as the elevator is about to close a hand stops it, causing it to open again.

A tall man enters, wearing a well-cut Armani-tailored suit. He was tall and his presence was demanding, not to mention he was extremely handsome. The man was nowhere near my age, but definitely sugar daddy material. He was most likely over fifty, clearly shown by his gray beard and graying curly hair. His features were strong and his skin was dark.

"Going up right?" His deep voice asks suddenly.

"Yes sir."

He chuckles, "Only employees call me sir, and I don't believe you work here. What's your name?"

"Amina Brown, sir." I instantly curse myself, "Sorry."

He laughs again, "No need for apologies. You must be here for one of the internship programs."

"Yes, I am."

He turns to me, "I'm Joseph, nice to meet you, Amina. I hope you get the position."

I smile at him, "Thank you! I hope so too Joseph." He chuckles again as the elevator finally arrives on the 17th floor. "We'll this is my stop, thank you again for the well wishes."

"Just be sure to ace your interview." He says with a wink.

I nod eagerly before making my way out of the elevator. I spot the front desk receptionist there and make my way toward her. She seemed happier than the one on the first floor.

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