2 - textbook pickup

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Ah yes, the second day of school.

This means the second round of the first day since we switch classes every day. Now I had a whole new set of classes to visit today. But before that, I have arranged to pick up that book from the student I spoke to on the app Halle showed me. I had no idea who the person was or anything about them. But I was meeting them in a public place so I wasn't concerned.

The school library was huge and contained several different floors and rooms. I was supposed to be meeting the person on the second floor near the elevator.

My phone suddenly beeps and I look down to check it.

user221570: I'm sitting at a table next to the 2nd elevator wearing a black shirt.

Hopefully, they aren't too hard to find.

I get to the second floor and immediately notice the person wearing a black shirt seated in the corner and head toward him. As I get closer I start to realize who he was and let out a sigh. He looks up at me displeased as well, "Are you stalking me or something? Wanna unplug my headphones too?" He asks sarcastically.

Of course, my asshole neighbor was the one selling me my textbook.

"Can I just see the book?"

He pulls the book out of his backpack and drops it on the table in front of him. "Money."

Maybe he was a drug dealer, this felt a lot like that. Not that I have ever been involved in a drug deal, but I had watched enough TV.

I pull out the twenty dollar bill from my wallet and hand it to him. He raises it into the light before putting it into his pocket. "Since it's you, the price is $35 now."

I scoff, "You can't do that! We already had an agreement."

He shrugs, "I don't remember shaking on anything. Plus you broke the cord for my speaker and I need to replace it."

"You should've turned down your music in the first place. Give me my money back if you won't sell me the book."

He pulls the twenty out of his pocket and hands it to me, "Fine go get it at the bookstore for $50."

I sigh knowing he's right, but I don't want to give him the satisfaction of winning either. "How about we negotiate?" I propose as I take a seat in front of him.

He shakes his head, "$35, or leave."

"How about $25?"

He pulls out his phone and ignores me.


His attention was completely fixated on his phone. I glare at him, feeling rather disrespected. "I don't need this!" I grab my things and begin to leave the area.

"You will when you fail Professor Crutchfield's class." He calls out as I walk away. I ignore him. I refuse to let him get his way. I'll find the book elsewhere, no big deal.

I head over to the school's bookstore. I still had time before class started so might as well. I search through the aisles for the textbook. I looked under 'K' for the author's last name. I looked under the management department. I even checked in the business section.

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