Special Chapter

7 6 0

"John hey John, wake up! It's almost noon"

"Please can you soft your voice a little, it is so rough"

"Like a tough guy!?"

"Agh! I'm going"

"Where to?"

"To do something innovative unlike you"



"Rojas! Have you seen my robe or you took it?"

"Wow you lost your robe?"

"Stop with that look! Yes help me find it"

"It's just a damn robe, you could get a new one"

"That robe is important. It is like an emblem to us"


"Everytime with that 'Ooooo' of your's, you look like a fool"

"Aww! Okay, I'll help you find it but I'll tie it on your waist by my own hands young boy, okay?"

"I better find it by myself, thanks for your help sir"

"Fine then, go ahead!"

After searching for a few moments, he cought his robe in Rojas's hand.

"Rojas you jerk!"


"Give my robe back you thief"

"Oh you caught me baby"

"Shut up and give me back"

"Come and get it... if you could reach for it"


Rojas pulled John towards himself and put the robe around his waist. John froze for few moments and Rojas kept teasing his waist, and his hands climbed up to his abdominals. John felt like he was melting and suddenly came into the world back and pushed Rojas back. He tied the knot of his robe and went down in the chamber area.


"Uhh.....ummm...well, I am sorry uh...I was uhh just -"

"Forget it. Now tell me what I should make. I am starving"

"Uhh well... I guess, maybe a fish stew?"

"Is it?"



"Excuse me! Come down here, the food won't gonna go up there by itself"

"Uh aight!"


"It's... it's delicious.... I wanna kiss the hands of the person whoever made this I-"

"Really? Then Go ahead! Mr. Thomas made it-"

Rojas grabbed John's hand and kissed it.

"What... the-"

"Mr. Thomas went with Captain you remember?"

"I... uhh-"


"But you...Yeah you....stay in your lane...otherwise -"



Rojas went up again without continuing the further conversation and stayed still while gazing at the stars.


"Heyyy! I am sorry...uhh-"

"What are you doing up here? It cold, go down and get inside"

"Captain gave me a responsibility and I am all allowed to be wherever I want"


"Uhh....but why uh you came up here and left the dinner out of nowhere?"

"The way you nagged at me John....you should stop it..."

"Excuse me? You do something to me without my permission and I don't nag at you.....how is that possible and-"

"John it reminds me of someone ..... I don't wanna lost in those thoughts again" He shouted

"Uhh I...I am sorry -"

"I am sorry...I am really sorry, I didn't meant to shout at you-"

"But who are you trying to forget?"

"That person was completely vanished from my mind but my heart...? It couldn't"


"You and the way you are John, it reminds me of someone whom I have lost and the one who lost her life"


"Yes her. I loved her to death and I promised myself that I won't gonna fall in love with anyone ever again. Her soul left her body and the streams of the water, took her away from me and I couldn't help but watch her drown from miles away."


"And then out of the blue you came and I lose against my ownself"

"But what did I do? And what happened to her? How did she died?"

"She jumped into the ocean out of the blue and I till day I have no idea why she did that?"

"That's weird!"

"This is why I am always keeping an eye on you. I can't let you away at any cost. I am scared that you-"

"Rojas! I am not her and stop comparing me to her...fine I am going down-"

Rojas pulled John towards him again.

"Okay I will not...but...."


"But you sounds jealous little sir?"

"I will hunt you down if you-"

"Shhh! Stay like this for a while. The stars looks beautiful right?"


"But the starts in your eyes are more beautiful"

"Ehhhh! Cringey..."

"Umm you smell good..."

"Don't nibble my ears...it's tickling..ahhh"

"No... I can't-"

"Eh..ha ha.... it's tickling me...ya-"

To be continued-

Let's meet at the edge of the worldWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt