The route begins

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"Don't look back once you take a step  towards your path"

We are really unaware of some things, some things that we usually don't expect to happen, expect to see or expect to feel.

"Do you know why these stars are always together but still have some little space between them?"

"I don't know. But why did you suddenly asked a question which is unexplainable for me?"

"Look at them Will, they are together but they are really not. It's hard to explain the reason, but if you look at it as in us human way then you'll came to know a valuable reason of oneself."

"Kind of strange huh!"

"There are uncountable number of people in this world, and we only know some of them but there are still many faces we haven't met yet. We walk on the path where there are people already present, we don't know them, we don't even know their names but still we walk pass them.
William the thing is you should live for yourself first. Even if you're walking in a group, you know each and everything of them and they know your's but still keep a distance from them. This is how it works."

"But why do I need to keep a distance from them when we know about each other already?"

"Humans are not really trustworthy dear. Never let them know your weakness and your strength, they might use it as a weapon against you. Keep a distance Will, keep a distance."

"It's motivating me somehow."

"You need to work on your strength first and work hard William."

"May the best comes in our favour."

"High hopes and close eyes never works as you know. Be like a beast of the forest, who is always alert, who is full of hopes. Be like a bird, who loves to fly but never flies across it's limit."

"This day is ending and waiting for the sunrise with high aims and better routes."

"We might reach to the shore soon by the sunrise and there is a virgin forest which has many secrets hidden in it."

So deep so dark, the secrets in our hearts.

"Across the forest lives a soul that might be waiting for me...or not?"

A/N : The soul will gonna be reveal soon in the next chapter.

To be continued-

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