Common thoughts

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"Oh my! I'm currently feeling so exhausted!"

"Are you tired in just one go? Nah! It won't work. Come on get up!"

"I can't- "

"Relax yourselves. We need to talk."

"Will, take a seat."

"So have you heard that there is a great opportunity to get a favour for legitimacy from the king itself?"

"Op... opportunity?"

"What kind of?"

"See this. It's an announcement."

"Announcement of what?"

"It is about getting a favour from the king for poor souls like us. It says "The King is in a search for a group of people who are good at sailing and also at handling sword. He need some trustworthy people on whom he can trust and with the promise of protection." "So here it is a chance. Why don't we try?"

"But... I-I am a legitimate sailor. Already announced one, by the authority itself!"

"Young sailor...the....the authority might've declared you as a legitimate sailor but you can only sail to that particular area or nearby. But you cannot go ahead, and we are not out of this place yet, so we definitely need legitimacy from the king to make our routes free to sail anywhere."

"And if we move ahead without his permission, we'll... we'll be.... beheaded."


"That's right."

"Do you think that we can trust the king?"

"Maybe...maybe I guess. He is a nice person. I have heard a lot about him and his way of living is completely different from those ruthless authorities."

"How? I mean what kind of person he is?"

"I have heard things from people that if someone can make him happy by doing something for him or to him, then he might become a great fortune for that particular person."

"And how we are going to make him happy? By becoming some clowns or?"

"You don't have to. We can gift him our gold and silver treasures!"

"Our? At which place? It's not even our's at first place."

"Right! You're genius."

"I know damn!"

"Great then tomorrow we'll be heading towards the king's court for some goods."

"Alright! Cheers for our fortune!"


"I'll be back soon. She must be starving."

"Sure Will!"

"Hey! Stop smirking already!"


"Will! Oh I was waiting for you for so long."

"You must be hungry right?"


"Here, have some food. You should not starve yourself."

"Did you have already?"

"Don't worry about me. Eat your food, I'll get going."

"Will! I know you didn't eat anything yet!"

"H....No...I mean"

"Sit down, let's have some meal together."

"I don...-"

"I please"


"After this, take some rest Maria. Don't stay awake for too long."

"Sure Will!"

"This fish is quite delicious, isn't it?"


"Here, have a bite!"

"I'm good! Don't worr-"



"Alright! We should rest for now."

"Take care of yourself."

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