Relying on days

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"Followed with a sluggish movement
and continued being thunderous"

"Other than your father, is there anyone who is familiar to you, umm
I mean who know you?"

"Everybody seems stranger to me. So, no."

"Then you must...."

"Oh wait yes! Yes there is someone who I know and we know each other since childhood but he never showed up. The last time I saw him was when I was twelve. But still I can recognise him by just a glance."

"W...Oh! Oh okay.. I see. So what is his name?"

"Rudolph... Rudolph Sampson. The most quiet, kind, unique person. He never complained about anything even if something scratched him deep. He is even good with swords, what else should someone expect or want."

"Crazy good.. alright! I..I am amazed."

"I wish that i could see him soon, one day. Just one day."

"I..I do hope that you could see him soon."

"Uhm... Will?"


"You seems worried about something. Is something bothering you?"

"Me? Oh!! Why do you suddenly asked?"

"Well, I smell something burning! Will, don't you think that something is burning?"

"Burning? Umm no..? Where?"

"Wait! Is it your heart? Oh my goodness! Yes it is your heart!"

"You're some crazy thing! Do you mean that I am jealous?"

"Come on Will, accept that you're jealous. Say? Say? I can smell Jealousy Will, you cannot deny."



"Alright! Okay! Oh God! Yes, yes I am jealous. Now what?"

"Oh William Stevenson! There is no Rudolph Sampson."



"I...hah....stop laughing like that hah! You know this was the most pathetic joke Maria McCleary!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Forgive me captain!"


"So.....why were you being Jealous huh?"

"As if you don't know!"

"Why...I don't k..... Oh..Oh nevermind."

"What? Are you being uncomfortable again or being a coy this time?"

"I..I don't know!"

"This is your favourite sentence huh! I see!"


"What is it?"

"We need to talk right now, everybody is waiting for you."


"Uh... We are sorry Miss but you please stay here. It's something personal and important."

"Oh..okay...! Don't worry, I'm fine h..."

"Let's go!"

"What's so important that he didn't said to wait for him? Ah! Will... Always stay by me, never leave me. And come back soon aish.. I am bored. I love to hear things from you. And I've been a coy in front of you because I... I...aish nevermind!"

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