Chapter 11

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"Hi, my dear daughter."

"You... you're... Okāsan?"

"Hai, it's so good to see you again, though I wish it weren't for these circumstances."

"What's going on? I don't understand, you and my father are shinobi of a village that, until recently, I thought was fictional."

"I'm sorry that we didn't tell you. It was my fault. I didn't want to burden you with such truth. Your father felt otherwise, but he respected my wishes and hoped that I would soon change my mind."


"Unfortunately there wasn't anymore time."

"What happened?"

"I'm not quite sure myself, but I was so distracted by what we learned. Yes, the series you grew up with is based on the same world that we are from. We don't know how much is known or how the information was found."

"This has to be a dream. How can I just take it all in and accept that my life is what other people write stories about."

"Do you not have feelings for the Uchiha that you have been taking care of?"

"Yea I do, but so do many other women. That's why they write stories."

"Are you saying that he didn't kiss you or that you didn't kiss him back?"

"Wha- No! I... I don't know, I'm so confused. This is a lot to take in."

"I know musume. That's why I'm here. I can help you with your memories, but you need to help yourself as well. Believe in yourself, and of course believe in love."

In your hospital room, the monitors were beeping in a normal rhythm. The nurse assigned to you had just got off of the phone with your only emergency contact. It had taken them a couple of hours to do so. They were able to find some of your old medical records, which came from a local orphanage.

The papers listed two different versions of your name, one that must have been the name at birth. The only difference being that Senju was listed as the surname. There was another paper that had an assessment of you as a child. It listed your first language as not English, but as Japanese. There was another paper that included an interview with your emergency contact; Mr. Smith. He had answered some routine questions about how he knew you and why he was bringing you to them.

Apparently the matron of the orphanage was under the impression that he was actually your father. The notes stapled to the paper had all the matrons commentary and input. Your mother was listed as dead. There wasn't anyone else who ever kept in contact with the orphanage, just to make sure you were doing okay. It seemed that while you struggled with English, your father was the only person who could help them translate. He kept his distance and had at one point admitted to old woman that he was still grieving. The nurse had informed the man that she needed him to come in. She wanted to know for sure and so did your attending physician.

It didn't take long, about another three hours and then he was there. He had to leave the Uchiha behind. He wasn't really sure if you were awake yet and was nervous about how you would feel after finding out the truth. He tried to remain in your life as much as he could. It wasn't easy for him to be away from you. He felt like he was a failure, to you and to your mother.

Once he started seeing you happy, he felt that he had to go back to gathering information and training again. He tried making plans again. He knew that he needed to get his strength back; both in body and in mind. He knew that he would need to figure something out for you as well. You being raised in the orphanage and growing up believing that you had no family left, would most certainly change your outlook on life.

As it were, now there would be an issue with the language. You would probably forget how to speak what you grew up in. He figured out that he could use the manga to his advantage, the same one that had been his downfall. The one that had your mother so upset and distracted was the one about him and his team. It listed him as dying after receiving a gift from his older sister. That wasn't really the problem. It was the fact that it was nearly accurate that had bothered him and your mother.

It also made him sad to see that sister was most likely that upset about her losses that she turned to drinking and became very bitter. In any case, he felt like the manga would now be a very good source for recreating a connection with you. So, after that he was able to watch you grow. You subconsciously felt safer and close to the man. It was probably the reason that you had moved nearby. You also without realizing, had felt a welcoming warmth that seemed to agree with you.

Once your father made it into the hospital, he was asked similar questions that were asked of him years ago concerning you. He answered, he was ready to let them know that you were his family. They of course would have to verify by blood. He didn't mind. It only took a couple of minutes for the results to come back. It seemed to make the staff more at ease, they were very friendly and attentive.

They asked him about family medical history and even made a little birth certificate for you; since there wasn't any, considering that he and your mother were foreigners in hiding. With you being considered a citizen, that didn't seem to be a problem. Not that any of it mattered anymore. He was gonna bring you back home to Konoha. It was time, he could tell.

With your vitals stable, he politely asked to bring you home and allow you to recover there. They allowed it and said they would be in touch with you to see how you were doing. He has to hold in a chuckle, night had fallen, now he can move like the shinobi he has always been; and soon you will too.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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