Chapter 4

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On the second day since the Uchiha's appearance, Obito finally woke up. He was in a lot of pain, so he carefully sat up to inspect his surroundings. He knew that he wasn't anywhere familiar, as even the air around him felt different. He couldn't sense any chakra that would be above that of a civilian, making him wonder where he was and how he got here.

His mind then started regaining images of memories from before he blacked out. The fight with Kaguya and getting hit by her jutsu. Falling through one of her dimensions that she opened and waking up the first time on the ground. Then, he remembered seeing a girl and limping over to her for help. He remembered startling her and then her gaining a look of recognition, but he wasn't sure why. He didn't get to question it long though, since he lost consciousness afterwards.

Since his abdomen was in a lot of pain, he wasn't able to turn easily. It made it harder to really see all of his surroundings, but he figured that the girl had to be the one who helped him. He looked down at his bandages and was pleased with the work she had done. He was brought out of his thoughts by knocking on the door. He looked up at the door and instinctively had his guard up, unconsciously activating his sharingan. A female on the other side of the door started calling out to her friend, though he couldn't understand a word she said. It made him feel even more cautious.

Unbeknownst to you, your patient had awakened and was now waiting for someone to answer the door. Of course, he didn't expect for you to be so close. When you also woke up, still drowsy and a bit hungover, you realized someone was at your door knocking.

"I'm awake!" You said while fighting back the sleepiness.

It startled Obito and made him flinch, then wince from pain and deactivating his sharingan. He looked over in your direction, but you didn't seem to notice him. You got up and opened your door, seeing your best friend Yulia standing there.

"О Юлечка! Как поживаешь?"
(Oh Yulochka! How are you?)

"Хорошо, а ты?"
(Good, and you?)

"Мне тоже. Ну, давай, дорогая."
(Me too. Well, come on, dear)

(Of course)

Yulia followed you inside, where you both turned to see Obito sitting up wide awake and very confused. You were shocked, not expecting him to wake so soon. You then realized that you weren't even sure how to communicate with him. You didn't think he spoke English, so you had to figure a way to get him to speak.


He looked at you warily, not sure how you knew him. He decided he would try to cooperate anyway, you didn't seem like a threat and you even treated his wound.


He wanted answers and you wanted a Japanese to English dictionary... at least you could understand basic phrases, but even those were only learned from anime. You then wondered if Yulia might know what to do. You figured she may have encountered at least one patient that didn't speak English or Russian.

"Eh... chotto matte..."
(Eh... wait a minute...)

you told the Uchiha.

"Юлочка?" You asked your friend.

"Что? Что тебя нужен?"
(What? What do you need?)

"Обито здесь говорит по-японский, и я не так хорош в этом. Что мне делать?"
(Obito here speaks Japanese, and I'm not so good with it. What do I do?)

"О, ну, возможно, тебя придётся использовать своей телефон для перевод. Даже если зло неправильно, oн все равной должен понять, что ты пытаешься сказать."
(Oh, well maybe you'll have to use your phone for translation. Even if it's wrong, he should still understand what you're trying to say)

"Очень спасибо"
(Thank you very much)

You then checked your phone for the question you wanted to ask Obito. Finding it, you decided to take Yulia's advice and turned to the Uchiha.

(Are you okay?)

"Ore wa daijōbudesu... Arigato."
(I'm okay... thank you)

"Mā, watashi wa nihongo o hanasemasen. Eigo to Roshiago nomi."
(Well, I cannot speak Japanese. Only English and Russian.)

"So ka, wakarimashita."
(I see, I understand.)

"Kore wa watashi no yūjin Yuriadesu, kanojo wa kankoshida."
(This is my friend Yulia, she is a nurse)

" Wakatta."

You were thankful that his answers were easy enough to understand and for google translate, even if wasn't always correct; it was better than nothing. Obito seemed to understand you enough and didn't complain, so perhaps he agreed with your sentiments. Now you had to talk with Yulia. Luckily, since she insisted on speaking in Russian to help you become fluent, it was easier to communicate with her than it was years ago; and you didn't really need to use google translate for that.

"Юля, это Учиха Обито."
(Yulia, this is Uchiha Obito.)

She turned to the man and said the only Japanese phrase that she knew:

"Kon'nichiwa, watashinonamaeha Yuria iwanobadesu."
(Hello, my name is Yulia Ivanova.)

After shaking his hand, Obito gently laid back down on the couch and watched the two females in the room. Yulia took this as a sign to proceed with her checkup. After placing on some gloves, she removed the gauze and noted that everything looked good. She told you that you would need to bring Obito into the office that she works, so that she could get a script for an antibiotic and pain reliever. She told you to continue cleaning the stitches as before and said that she would keep in touch to make sure Obito continues healing. She gave him a thumbs up after reapplying new gauze and said goodbye to you both.

Once she left, you went into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. Offering it to the male, he took the bottle and drank it down. Once he was finished, he decided he wanted answers. You spent a good hour and a half trying to understand and explain, with the help of translation. Then, you decided to show him your manga. You also had questions, you thought maybe he could answer them. Of course, for Obito, what you told him had brought up more questions that neither of you could figure out. You decided after dinner, choosing the cheap ramen, that you would try to watch the next episode of D Gray-man HALLOW with your dimension traveling friend.

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