Chapter 9

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The ability to move seemed like a faraway dream with all the complex emotions going through your head. In fact you didn't know if you could move, after looking back at the man and getting a nod; as well as a little help with getting off the couch, without it putting stress on his stitches. You were proven half correct, when you went to stand and get the door. Your legs felt like jelly, and your brain must've turned to mush. You slowly made your way to the door and found that having to focus on who could be out there made it easier. You were once again surprised, seeing your neighbor Mr. Smith.

"Hello, I thought I would come and check on you. You have to work today? If so, I can help stay here with your guest."

Obito could tell he was tense about something and wasn't sure why, but when he felt with his chakra he recognized it as the one that felt unhappy earlier.

'Oh shit... almost forgotten about that'...
"Ah, yea I do have go in today. If it's not too much trouble for you; I don't mind if you stay."

You looked back to Obito and he nodded. He would be fine with it. You missed the strange look that appeared on Mr. Smith's face; Obito didn't.

"Well why don't you come in and I'll get ready to go?"

"Fine by me"

So without further prompting, you went and did just that. Got ready for work. It took about five minutes and then you were saying goodbye while walking out the door. Not aware of the tension between both men. Once they both knew you were gone, they finally had a chance to talk.

"Let's skip pleasantries and just get to business. I know you are an shinobi of the Uchiha clan. The one that has caused so much trouble back home. I'm sure that you sense something off about me and I will explain, but first; keep your hands off my daughter!"

"Hn. So I was right. Who are you?"

"For now, I will only say that you know my older sister; Tsunade."

Obito's eyes went wide. The other man chuckled.

"It would seem like you are aware of who I am? I will tell you what I can and you will listen. Then, you will answer some questions and maybe we can help each other out, ne?"

"Fine. What is it?"

"I am Senju Nawaki. I was sent to this place with the help of one Ōtsutuski Hamura; the Sage's brother. One of my teammates was brought here as well."

"Why? How? You didn't go back?"

"I could say the same to you Uchiha! All I remember is that instead of me getting blown up like everyone thinks, Hamura had been there. He said something about a contingency plan and mentioned some names I didn't understand at the time."


"My teammate and I ended up here after he used some time space jutsu some years ago. We were both slightly injured and confused. We hid in a forest and gathered information from the shadows. We could only rely upon each other, so of course she and I grew to love one another."


"We had one daughter..., (Y/N). We continued to train and gather information; preparing for the time when we might go back home."

"Did you train her?"

"Of course, only she doesn't remember. There was a couple of seals that were given to us before we came here, should either of us die; it would keep anyone from finding out the truth and causing any trouble. I used it when her mother passed away."


"She was 10 and we just found out that world had discovered the shinobi. I'm sure you've seen the manga. We didn't know what to do and her mother was so distracted by it that something happened when I was out scouting. When I came back it was too late. I sealed away her body and had to seal my own daughter's memory because of the trauma. I thought it would be best to leave her at the local orphanage; my own grief overtaking."

Neither knew what to say to the other... and meanwhile;

You were so caught up in thought about kissing the Uchiha. You didn't know what that would mean for the both of you. Arriving at the diner, had your thoughts switched over to the tasks that you would be doing for the day.

Some of your coworkers that you were good friends with, asked how your time off was and if everything was okay. You told them all that everything is fine and that it all turned out well. Things were going well for awhile and day didn't seem to drag on. Near the end of your shift, your boss wanted to talk. He asked about how things were and said he was glad to see you back. He was about to get touchy when you had your own bout of ingrained reflexes. He ended up hip tossed into the wall. You felt so many emotions for the second time that day and this time it was more intense.

You were starting to black out and your coworkers ran in due to the commotion, boss man shouting out at you different obscenities and something about being fired was definitely an attention getter. You of course passed out from all the stress, some you didn't even know about yet. You didn't even realize that you were unconscious and convulsing due to the seal that had broken. While the EMS and police dealt with the situation, your mind was trying to understand and organize the onslaught of memories that seemed to come from nowhere.

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