Chapter 8

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AN: as usual, I own nothing; except maybe the story...

Sometime in the night while asleep, you had moved around and closer to the warmth. It felt so nice and there was a slight hum to it that wasn't the same as the sound of a heartbeat. You were so sleepy and content that you didn't realize what kind of position you were in or if you would end up with tense and uncomfortable muscles in the morning. Fortunately for you, body aches from strange sleeping places are not going to be a problem. Unfortunately, for innocent little you, you are about feel embarrassed...

As nice as it feels to be asleep and as much as you would like to stay where you are, you can not. Point emphasized by the ringing alarm of your phone, telling you that you have to get up and ready for work. As you lightly grumble and mumble, you try to snuggle closer to the warmth before forcing yourself up. So slow is your brain while you wake that you don't notice what, or more like who, you are cuddling. Although, you do notice that the air seems a bit dense with something. You can't quite name it, but it feels like there's at least a heaviness in the atmosphere. The only thing strange about that is the fact that it's coming from outside.

Quickly shaking it off and lightly brushing fingers through your hair, you finally see what had caused all of the warmth. You look around and see that you are cuddling Uchiha Obito. You are nestled into his right side. Your left arm across his upper chest and your whole left leg across his lower body. It certainly is a startling fact, but you are able to keep an outward appearance of calm. It isn't until you try to physically get up and not just mentally, that you do make a squeak of a sound; Obito had tightened his grip on you, which just so happens to be his left arm around you and his hand caressing your lower back.

Actually the funny thing is that you fall back onto him due to his strong grip and your surprise. Now wide awake and shocked, you don't know what to do. When you fell, you had managed to awaken the shinobi, both in pain and surprise. You were able to catch yourself and avoid causing any more damage or further injury; it somehow worked out that you smack into his mouth... with your mouth.

Perhaps his own shinobi reflexes are to blame. He had actually awaken once you tensed and squeaked from his unconscious embrace. So even before he opened his eyes, his senses were very much alert. He instinctively grabbed you at the hips to also try and avoid any damage.

Obito was feeling more than he can really remember in this moment. The easiest one to understand was confusion; as a shinobi it's not really common among the more veteran ninja to get such a good night's sleep when in a foreign territory. He remembers that he had felt a warmth around him that was calming and humming with chakra, albeit a little muffled. He'a pretty sure that his mind just registered the chakra as something from 'home'. He remembers distantly feeling another chakra, which is also muffled, that seemed unhappy and foreboding in a parental sense. It caused him to want to hold onto his warmth and protect it more. He realized that whatever the source, it felt good and comforting, so of course he didn't like the thought of a potential challenge.

With all these thoughts occurring, he realized that he would have to get up and check around for danger, as well as to see what it was that he was trying to protect. He noticed that he could feel movement coming from what was warm. So, out of reflex and being on alert, he strengthened his hold; only slightly noting that it felt like another body against him. It was quickly confirmed when he heard the sound of his new 'roommate' or 'caretaker'. Feeling more movement and perhaps loss of balance on her part (which is kinda sad considering he's holding her), he knew that he would need to brace himself and try to keep her from getting hurt. It only made sense to grab onto her, he didn't really care where at the time; his body not getting further injured was more important.

Once he felt soft lips on his own, he froze. Belatedly, he could say that his mind did process the girl's hands on his chest. Now, he can see the wide and surprised, maybe even frightened, bright eyes the who took him in and saved him; you. The moment that that gratitude came to mind, along with some other feelings that he didn't want to think about that much, he grabbed your face to move it where he needed and kissed you. He realized that you are the source of warmth he felt. As he held your face close and tasted your lips, he couldn't help but note that it was sweet. At this point he wasn't really thinking like a shinobi, but as a man. It helped that you were reciprocating and following his lead. As he licked your lower lip, you allowed him to deepen the kiss. It felt so good, all the body heat and pleasant feelings made it all seem like it just the two of you.

You both parted to breathe, but stayed close and looked each other in the eyes. Obito seemed content and had a small smile on his face. You were very much confused and a little shocked with what just happened; there was definitely a blush on your cheeks. Obito was still holding onto you and you wondered what he was thinking. You randomly realized that he had dominated the kiss and you had completely submitted. Neither one of you made another movement for a while, until Obito broke your train of thought with a small "thank you" and a peck on your lips.

You really didn't know what to do then, but the sound of a knock on your door caused you to look away from the man underneath you.

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