Chapter 2

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Upon waking up, you checked your phone to see that you had slept for six hours. It was now getting a little dark and you decided to go out and check your mailbox. Since the weather was nice and the temperature outside was still warm, you slipped on your flats and grabbed your key. Stepping outside, you felt a gentle breeze and headed towards the apartment mailboxes.

Lost in your thoughts while walking, you didn't notice the injured male leaning against the wall to the laundromat; but he noticed you. Turning the key, you hummed a little tune while you picked up the mail and closed up the box again. Checking to see if any were bills, you sighed in relief when you saw there weren't any... yet. You were about to turn back around when a hand touched your shoulder. It was then that you noticed the labored breathing coming from behind you.

You instantly froze, not even hearing the man speak; which would have made obvious the pain that he was in. As you slowly turned around, you gasped as soon as you saw who had grabbed you. Immediately recognizing the identity of the 'stranger', you then got lost in thoughts of 'what the hell?' and 'how is this possible?'. Again the man spoke, but as soon as the last word left his mouth he collapsed. The sound of the thud jolted you out of your thoughts and you realized he was injured.

"Obito!" You whispered in disbelief. Quickly regaining your bearings, you did the only thing you could think of in the moment; you cried for help. You started looking him over to see what damages had been done and tried to lift him up, failing spectacularly. You resigned yourself to bringing the Uchiha closer to you and trying to cover the wound with both of your hands.

Luckily, one of your neighbors had been doing their laundry that night. The man was nice, he was an older gentleman that would help you out with any car troubles. Going as far as to take the time to teach you some mechanics in case you ever got stuck. He heard your call for help. Looking at the situation, he was unsure what to make of things. When he looked at your face and saw concern for the stranger on the ground, he knew that he was just overthinking things. He set down his basket of clothes and walked over to you.

The man, Mr. Smith, didn't ask any questions; he just simply picked Obito up and supported the Uchiha under his arm, with you on Obito's other side. You didn't say much of anything and neither did Mr. Smith. He helped you carry the wounded and unconscious Uchiha to your apartment and even helped lay him on your couch. You quietly told him you'd have to get your emergency medical kit from your car. He said nothing, only nodding to you that he would watch the other man while you were out. As soon as you went back outside, you ran to your car and opened the trunk; moving as fast as you could. Once you had what you needed, you ran back home. Mr. Smith had taken the liberty of getting the Uchiha's wound cleaned as best he could. He even stayed with you while you got the supplies ready. You were really gonna have to thank your dear friend Yulia, who is a nurse; she had given you the medical kit as a Valentine's gift. Though she is married with two children, the lovely Russian liked to celebrate with you; as a special best friends day.

When you finally had the stitching supplies ready, you got into position near the wound. Thankfully it appeared to be only an inch long across Obito's abdomen. Just before puncturing the skin, you said a silent prayer and told the poor man you were sorry. You were glad for Mr. Smith still being there while you stitched up Obito. Once you finished, you wrapped some rolled gauze around Obito's torso a couple of times to keep the wound covered and the stitches in place. Turning to Mr. Smith, you thanked him for his help. He nodded and said it was no trouble, heading out the door to return to his laundry he said good night. With that, you turned back to Obito and again wondered just what the hell was going on. Sighing, you made a little bed beside the couch and slept next to your new 'patient'.

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